1. What did Ryan do yesterday?
A. He watched football.
B. He did some exercise.
C. He went to the doctor.
2. What are the speakers doing?
A. Cooking dinner.
B. Preparing for a party.
C. Eating out in a restaurant.
3. What does the woman ask the man to do for her?
A. Take a photo.    B. Fix a camera.    C. Print a picture.
4. What will the speakers do next?
A. Go back to their home.
B. Visit the woman’s friend.
C. Return to the supermarket.
5. What is the weather like now?
A. It’s raining.    B. It’s cloudy.    C. It’s sunny.
6. What happened to the woman’s flight?
A. It failed to take off on time.
B. It was called off without notice.
C. It arrived about two hours earlier.
7. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. In a restaurant.
B. On a plane.
C. At the airport.
8. Where does the man enjoy getting his news from?
A. The TV.
B. The radio.
C. The Internet.
9. What type of news does the man like?
A. Art news.
B. Sports news.
C. Business news.
10. What is the man’s attitude towards the news programs on TV?
A. Favorable.    B. Casual.    C. Unfavorable.
11. Why does the woman make the phone call?
A. To complain about hotel service.
B. To arrange an important meeting.
C. To order a full English breakfast.
12. How does the man sound?
A. Sorry.
B. Worried.
C. Painful.
英语二级考试13. What will the man probably do next?
A. Eat his breakfast.
B. Go to the kitchen.
C. Wait by the phone.
14. Why did Maria go to the Oxford Street?
连江青芝山A. To meet Jason.    B. To watch a play.    C. To do some shopping.
15. What does Susan Hill do?
A. She’s an actress.    B. She’s a street artist.    C. She’s a salesperson.
16. What did Susan Hill give Maria?
A. A ring.    B. A ticket.    C. A £50 note.
17. What will Jason probably do?
A. Go with Maria.    B. See his friends.    C. Host a dinner.
18. When will the team return from Costa Rica?
A. April 6.    B. July 10.    C. July 20.
19. Where will the team go to do the second project?
A. The national parks.
B. The city of San José.
C. The east of Costa Rica.
20. What will the team do in the final project?
上古 神兽A. Plant trees.
B. Feed birds.
C. Train animals.
Text 1
M: Ryan didn’t go to work yesterday. He was running a fever and had to go to the hospital.
W: Oh, really? I thought he was watching football with his friends.
Text 2(第2题为总结题)
W: I’ve sent out the invitations for the dinner party.
M: That’s good. Now what should we do?
W: We’ve got to plan the menu.
M: OK. Do you have anything in mind?
Text 3
W: 情人节短句10字之内Excuse me. Could you please take a picture of me with this camera?
M: No problem. Do I have to focus it?
W: No, all you have to do is point and press the button.
M: All right. Say “Cheese”.
Text 4
M: Oh no! I can’t find my mobile phone.
W: Didn’t you use it at the supermarket to call you friend?   
M: Yes, I did. I must have left it at the cashier’s desk.   
W: Don’t worry. Let’s drive back to find it.
Text 5
W: What about going for a bike ride?
M: Is it still raining?
W: No, but it’s still dull. Let’s hang on for half an hour or so. It may clear up then.
Text 6(第7题为推断题)
M: I thought your flight would arrive two hours ago. What took so long? 
W: Didn’t they announce that our flight was delayed?
M: I didn’t hear anything about a delay. I thought everything was running on time. What happened?
W: We got on the plane on time but then we were held up for almost two hours due to an unknown problem.
最新抗日剧电视剧大全M: That’s too bad. Have you had anything to eat?
W: I managed to get a sandwich on the plane. How about you?
M: I’ve had nothing but a cup of coffee. I’m starving. Let’s get out of here and find a restaurant.
Text 7
M: Lisa, how do you get your news every day?
W: Well, I get most of my news from TV. I also read newspapers. Radio is my last choice and I seldom go online. How about you?
M: I hardly listen to the radio either, but I do love reading news on the Internet.
W: You should be careful with the information online. Much of it cannot be trusted at all. 电脑黑屏怎么处理By the way, what type of news are you interested in?