1979←→nineteen seventy-nine or nineteen hundred(and)seventy-nine;
1023←→one o two three;
1227←→one double two(or two two)seven;
4.25←→four dollars(and)twenty-five(cents);
13.91←→thirteen decimal(point)nine one;
0.23= nought decmial two three;
2+3=5 Two plus three is(equals,isequal to)five.
5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two.
3×2=6 Three times two is six. or Three by two are six.
9÷3=3 Nine divided by three makes three.
1. 整数和小数的读法
3.24可以读作three point twenty-four或three twenty-four。在美国买东西都要含税, 所以价钱多半都带有小数点, 通常小数点可以说point,也可以直接省略。另外比较正式的说法为three dollars and twenty-four cents, 但是在一般日常生活中几乎是听不到这种读法,而是直接读为three twenty-four。在美国开支票的机会很多, 要注意的是,支票上小数的写和读与平时有所不同。在支票上,金额不仅要用阿拉伯数字写出,而且还要用英语在金额栏的最左边写出。其中整数部分的第一个字母要大写, 小数部分则用xx/100 来表示, 并在最后加上only。例如12.87 写为Twelve dollar and 87/100 only。
1,245 可读为twelve forty-five,one thousand two hundred and forty-five 或twelve
hundred and forty-five。一般来说, 四位数的读法是两个数字一起读, 如12-45。但有时为了让对方听得
更清楚(特别是跟钱有关的时候),会把thousand 和hundred 读出来, 像上面的第二种读法。另外, 像第三种读法,美国人也很喜欢把one thousand two hundred 直接说成twelve hundred,例如1,200 可以读为twelve hundred,当然也可以说one thousand and two hundred,这就是我们从教科书上学的读法了。
五位数的读法是前两个数一组, 后两个一组,中间的自己一组。例如35,891 经常读为thirty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety-one。而六位数如100,000 则读为one hundred thousand。由于在英语中没有十万这个字, 所以十万要用one hundred thousand, 一亿要用one hundred million。这两个要多练习, 不然很难熟练运用。
整数中比较特殊的就是电话号码了,读电话号码的原则是在清楚的基础上,越简单越好。人们在读电话号码时,习惯一个数字一个数字地说, 以求清楚, 但有时为了方便起见, 也会以十位数为单位, 两个两个一起说。例如770-2145 可以读为seven seven zero, two one four five,也可以读为seven seven o, twenty-one forty-five。总之,不管如何读,一定要清楚,不要引起歧义。
2. 分数和科学记数的读法
1/2 可以读为one half 或one over two。1/2 的说法跟1/3、1/4 都不一样, 它不读为one second,而要用one half。而one of two 常用在数学上, 强调1 除以2, 这种说法在日常生活中用得比较少。至于1/3 是
one third,1/4 是one fourth等,大家对这种说法都已经很熟悉了,在此不多说,但要注意两点:在日常生活中,用one quarter 表示1/4比用one fourth 更多一些;2/3 要说two thirds, 也就是说分母那个third 要加s,不要忘记。
科学记数如1.23×10-4 可读为one point two three times ten to the minus four(negative four);one point two three times ten minus four 或one point two three ten minus four。第一个是最正确的说法, 但有时为了简便会有不同程度的省略。像第二、三个省略适用在别人知道你在说科学符号的场合,例如老师上课时,或同学讨论功课时,不然别人有可能会误会你的意思。
3. 时间的读法
时间的读法是先读时, 再读分。像4:28 读为four twenty-eight。至于整点的情况,读法就更简单了,4:00 读为It's four o'clock. 或It's four.。在生活中,4:05 不是读为four five, 而是five past four或four o five;3:50 不是说three fifty,而是ten to four,当然也可以说成three fifty, 但是ten to four 这样的说法就相当于中文的"还有10分就四点了";5:30 常说成five and half 或half past five,相当于中文的五点半了。
4. 一个重要的应用
在报地址的时候, 常有这种数字和英文字母混合的情况, 但是由于B, D 和T 读起来很容易混淆, 所以习惯上会加上一小句话来说明, 如  B as a in boy, T as in a teacher, D as in a dog。这样别人就可以很清楚地了解你在说哪个字母,这样,123D 就可以这么读:one two three D as in a dog。
1.Cardinals and Ordinals 基数和序数
Roman Arabic
Numerals Numerals
I 1 one 1st the first
II 2 two 2nd the second
III 3 three 3rd the third
IV 4 four 4th the fourth
V 5 five 5th the fifth
VI 6 six 6th the sixth
VII 7 seven 7th the seventh
VIII 8 eight 8th the eighth
IX 9 nine 9th the ninth
X 10 ten 10th the tenth
XI 11 eleven 11th the eleventh
XII 12 twelve 12th the twelfth
XIII 13 thirteen 13th the thirteenth
XIV 14 fourteen 14th the fourteenth
XV 15 fifteen 15th the fifteenth
XVI 16 sixteen 16th the sixteenth
XVII 17 seventeen 17th the seventeenth XVIII 18 eighteen 18th the eighteenth
XIX 19 nineteen 19th the nineteenth
XX 20 twenty 20th the twentieth
XXI 21 twenty-one 21st the twenty-first XXV 25 twenty-five 25th the twenty-fifth XXX 30 thirty 30th the thirtieth
XL 40 forty 40th the fortieth
L 50 fifty 50th the fiftieth
LX 60 sixty 60th the sixtieth
LXX 70 seventy 70th the seventieth
LXXX 80 eighty 80th the eightieth
XC 90 ninety 90th the ninetieth
IC 99 ninety-nine 99th the ninety-ninth
C 100 one hundred 100th the hundredth CII 102 a hundred 102nd the (one) hundred and two and second
246 two hundred and forty-six
751 seven hundred and fifty-one
1,000 = one thousand 一千
10,000 = ten thousand 一万
100,000 = one hundred thousand 十万
1,000,000 = one million 一百万
张常宁的个人资料简介10,000,000 = ten million 一千万
100,000,000=one hundred million 一亿(3)十亿以上的大数,英美有不同的读法:英国美国
十亿one thousand million = one billion美国电话号码
百亿ten thousand million = ten billion
千亿one hundred thousand million = one hundred billion
万亿one billion = one trillion
2.Fractions 分数
1/2 = a (or one) half
1/3 = a (or one) third
1/4 = a quarter or one fouth
1/5 = a (or one) fifth
2/3 = two thirds
9/10 = nine tenths
53/4 = five and three quarters
输入单号查快递15/64= fifteen over (or by) sixty-four
15% = fifteen per cent
4‰ = four per mill
3.Decimals 小数
0.4 = zero (or nought) point four
.01 = point (or decimal) nought one郭采洁图片
12.34 = twelve point three four
567.809 = five hundred and sixty-seven point eight nought nine
30.45 = thirty point four five, five recurring
0.3% = decimal three percent
4.Mathematic Forms 数学式
(1) Addition 加法
1+2=3 One and two are three.
秦俊杰杨紫分手2+3=5 Two plus three equals five.
4+0=4 Four and nought is equal to four.
45+70+152=267 45,70 and 152 added are (or make) 267
the sum (or total) is 267.
演算时的读法:Three and seven are ten; I write(or I write down,or I put down)a nought and carry one. Four and one that I carry are five, and eight make thirteen,and three sixteen; I write down six and carry one. One and one (that I carry) are two; I put down two.- The sum (or total, or the result of t
he addition) is two hundred and sixty. 37,80