A Mouse
and a Frog
Track 10
A mouse and a frog were friends. Every morning, the frog would jump out of his 1)pond and go to visit his friend. And the mouse lived in a hole in the side of a tree.
The mouse felt happy about his friend’s visiting, but the frog was
slowly turning into  an 2)enemy . Why? The frog felt angry, because though he visited the mouse everyday, the mouse had never visited him.
One day, when the frog wanted to leave the mouse’s house, he
3)tied one end of a 4)string around his leg, and tied the other end to the mouse’s tail. The frog jumped away, 5)dragging the mouse behind him.
The frog 6)dived deep into the pond. The mouse was 7)drowned and his body 8)floated to the top.
李玲玉老公A 9)hawk saw  the mouse  floating  on the pond. He 10)grabbed the
赵韩樱子风铃权杖变装原视频mouse and flew to a tree. The frog, of course, was dragged out of the water too, and was soon killed by the hawk. In Africa, they have a saying: Don’t dig too deep a 11)pit for your enemy, you may fall into  it yourself. 1) pond [p ɒnd ] n. 池塘
2) enemy [5enImI ] n. 敌人,仇敌
3) tie [taI ] v. 系,打结4) string [strIN ] n. 线,细绳
5) drag [drA^
] v. 拖,拖曳
初三冲刺中考家长寄语6) dive [daIv ] v. 潜水,下潜7) drown [draJn ] v. 溺死,淹死8) float [flEJt ] v. 浮动,飘浮9) hawk [hC:k ] n. 鹰10) grab [^rAb ] v. 抢夺,夺取11) pit [pIt ] n. 坑,陷阱词组加油站★ turn into 变成,成为★ fall into 落入,陷于
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