【在波姬·小丝和妹妹珍妮·杰克逊的陪伴下,迈克尔出席了1993年的葛莱美颁奖典礼。为了表彰他的杰出成就,葛莱美奖组委会决定特别授予他一项“当代传奇”奖。格莱美传奇奖是为了奖励在音乐界做出突出贡献的人士,格莱美评奖委员会在1990年设立了格莱美传奇奖。格莱美传奇奖是由美国国家录音艺术与科学学会理事会(The Academy’s Nat ional Trustees)颁发的,颁发对象是那些对社会作出重大贡献、在唱片业具有重要影响的个人或组合。】
Janet : Before he won 12 Grammy awards, before he dazzled billions of fans around the world with his amazing talent as a performer, before he impacted on millions of lives with his ongoing humanitarian efforts, before all of that, he was one other thing, he was my brother.
Hi, I'm Janet Jackson, and I'm pleased to be here tonight to honor the man I love and admire as an artist, and a person. My brother, Michael Jackson.
The Grammy Legend award is given for ongoing contributions and influence in the recording field. But nowhere does it tell you what to
do to become a legend. If I were to write a book of instructions using my brother as a guide, it would read something like this:
葛莱美传奇奖(The Grammy Legend Award)一般都颁给当前在唱片界继续做出巨大贡献并且具有很大影响力的艺人。但是人们一般都不知道传奇如何诞生。如果我要写一本介绍这方面的书的话,那么我会用我哥哥的事迹作为序言,于是将这样写道:
[Video retrospective of Michael's career is shown, with Janet's narration in voiceover.]
How to become a legend. Let's start with the present and work our way backwards. Take a big chance with a live ninety-minute prime time interview with
怎样成为一个传奇?让我们从现在开始往前回顾。首先看一下在黄金时段播出的,由Oprah Winfrey主持的现场访谈。
Oprah : Join me . . . for the world-wide television event of the year.
(画内音)OprahWinfrey:和我一起……来关注本年度最重大的电视盛事(MJ 专访)。
Janet: Put on a spectacular Superbowl half-time show before the largest audience in TV history. Use your extraordinary popularity, influence, time,
energy, money, and heart to help children heal the world. Create a two and a half hour, standing-room-only concert event from Bucharest, Romania, that gives HBO the highest audience rating in cable history. Release 'Dangerous' and watch it enter the charts at number one and become the world's
biggest-selling album of 1992. Record 'Bad' and watch it become the second biggest-selling album ever. Stun the Motown 25th Anniversary audience with a legendary performance that leaves everyone moonstruck. Record 'Thriller' and watch it become the number one largest-selling album of all time. Bring your enormous talent to the creation of new style videos that are really mini-movies with imaginative stories and mind-blowing effects. Capture an armful of eight Grammys, the most ever won in a single year. Tour the world over, making new friends everywhere you go. Break all existing attendance records, while visiting over
thirty countries, many of them more than once, and bring the best in contemporary concert entertain
ment to over ten million loving fans. Create an international anthem with a superstar cast that becomes the top-selling single of all time. Make a serious effort to have four consecutive number one hits before graduating from grade school. It helps to have brothers who are very musical, and it doesn't hurt to have a little sister who loves you very much. But first and foremost, if you are going to be a true legend, try to be born with a lot of talent and the willingness to take the plunge. So, to sum
现存的上座率记录,足迹遍及三十多个国家,有些国家还不止去过一次,你把当今最好的演唱会奉献给了世界各地千千万万的歌迷;创作了一首国际公益歌曲(“We Are The World”),并邀请很多巨星参与录制,使其成为了销量最佳的单曲;小学毕业以前,你就通过不懈的努力,使四首金曲接连在排行榜上取得第一;有四个有音乐天赋的哥哥对你来说不无裨益,当然有个爱你的小妹妹也不会有坏的影响;但是最重要的是,如果你真想要成为一代传奇,必须有先天的天赋和后天的努力才行。恩,来总结一下……
[Video shows highlights again in reverse order.]
Janet: Now I'm very happy to present the Grammy Legend Award for 1993 to my big brother, Michael Jackson.
[Michael receives a standing ovation, as he walks on stage. The two hug, as the crowd continues with standing ovation.]
Janet: Congratulations Michael Jackson. ....No but, I just wanted
to say one thing, Seriously, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and how much you've inspired me, and how proud I am to be your sister. And how much I love you, I do.
Michael's Speech 迈克尔·杰克逊走上舞台演讲:
Michael : I love you too, I hope this puts to rest, I hope this finally puts to rest another rumor that has been in the press for too many years: Me and Janet really are two 迈克尔杰克逊死
[Audience laughs.]
....In the past month, I've gone from "where is he?" to "Here he is again," but I must confess, it feels good to be thought of as a person, not as a personality. Because I don't read all the things written about me, I wasn't aware that the world thought I was so weird and bizarre. But when you grow up as I did, in front of one hundred million people since the age of five, you're automatically different. The last few