    漫画英文作文怎么写 漫画英文作文写作方法 (一) 漫画:As is vividly depicted in the picture ~描述 ~and it is absolutely obvious that~描述~The picture want to convey to us is that~寓意~ 漫画中生动的描绘了~~,非常明显的~~~漫画想要传达给我们~ (二) 议论:This decade has witnessed a controversial issue ,making a heated debate among people .Most people claim that~~ .For my part ,I find myself in complete agreement with the idea that ~~ 这十年目睹了一个有争论的被人们热议 的问题,很多人声称~~,就我个人而言,我完全投以的观点是~~ (三)The chart above reflects that ~描绘~and it is conspicuous(显著 地)that ~描述 ~what the chart intend to convey to us is that~点明图表中心~ 从图表中反映出~~显而易见的~~图表想要传达给我们~~ ① Actually, sth be of critical (essential importance)to sth and “consequently+结论” 或“since+原因”,specifically speaking ,what I intend(想要) to stress here is that ~~~.Even more significant , another aspect 或merit或demerit或problem或 factor of this issue或phenomenon is that~~~. Despite the fact that~~~, it is advisable for sb to do
sth 的确,~~对~~很重要,因此·因为~~,集体来说,我要强调的是~~更 重要的是,这个问题·现象的另一个方面·缺点·优点·问题·因素是~~。尽管~~姑且 ~~是明智之举。
    ② judging from the evidence(证据) and reasons offered ,we might safely draw the conclusion that. Meanwhile we should be clear that(自己的做法) ,but one thing we have to notice is that(学校社会) 根据给出的证据很原因来看。我们可以得出的结论是~~同时我们应该 清楚,我们还应该注意③ very : considerably ·enormously ·distinct·important : vital ·significant ·crucial more and more :gradually claim :express because :in that 漫画英文作文写作方法 一、导语 随着2010年11月《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试》﹙江苏卷说明﹚ 的出台,我们发现了与以往任何一年的考试说明所不同的是,今年提供了两篇书 面表达样文。一篇为2009年江苏高考英语书面表达,即表格加插图谈鼠标的利弊, 另一篇为漫画作文。﹙附样题2﹚ 示例2 下图描绘的是现在许多家长的苦恼。请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解 用英语写一篇短文,描述一下他们可能的做法并发表你的看法。
    漫画一方面比文字材料更直观形象,另一方面则由于夸张而使讽刺意 蕴的含义更复杂,更不容易把握,而我们的学生在这一类作文方面几乎没有任何 的训练。虽然2010年高考英
语书面表达会考什么谁也不能断言,但帮助学生在漫 画类作文方面有所准备是非常有必要的。
    二、问题的提出 学生课前在教师没有任何指导的前提下已尝试过这篇范例的写作,所 以教师首先安排了一个小组讨论的活动,就写作过程中所遇到的问题进行讨论, 以小组为单位提出问题。学生的问题主要集中在以下几个方面:
    3.谋篇。对于英语漫画类作文的基本结构完全没有概念,不知如何下 手。
    三、问题的解决 针对学生提出的这三方面的问题,教师通过讲练结合的方式帮助学生 各个击破。1.读图。要求学生在读图时务必关注四个方面:(1)题目。漫画的标题 是漫画的眼睛,透过这个“眼睛”,可以洞察整幅漫画的主题。(2)画面。漫画画面 上的每一个细节都对表达漫画的寓意有提示作用。(3)语言。漫画为了表达其寓 意,常常配有言简意赅、画龙点睛的语言文字,思考这些语言文字中所隐含的作 者的观点。(4)夸张。漫画为了说明某种观
点,常常对人物行为或场景描绘给以 变形夸张,以引起读者共鸣。夸张之处往往是漫画的弦外之音,是漫画所要表达 的寓意所在。
    2.解意。在理解和阐释漫画含义时要关注三点:(1)确定作者的基本态 度,是属于夸张褒扬还是属于批评讽喻;(2)运用想象力,合理的把漫画所描述的 现象和实际生活相联系;
    (3 要特别注意除图片外的文字提示部分,它往往暗示了行文的方向和重 点,必须仔细阅读。
    3.谋篇。英语漫画类作文在行文时往往分为三个部分:(1)describe the picture;
    (2) interpret the picture;
    (3) give your opinions. 这样的结构可以使文章逻 辑清晰,脉络分明。同时,这三个部分都有一些套语可以使用,熟记这些套语可 以帮助学生明显提高文章的档次。如:
    (1)sentence patterns used to describe the picture: 1.The picture is talking about/shows 2.The picture shows a common phenomenon. 3.The picture describes an interesting phe
nomenon. 4.In the picture, there are/is (are) doing 5.The picture above is about 6.Let’s look at the picture above/first. (2)sentence patterns used to interpret the picture: 1.It seems very ridiculous thatHowever, this kind of story is performed everywhere. 2.The picture shows thatIt is the exact reflection of3.The picture indicate that weNowadays, it is a common phenomenon that 4.This is a satirical (讽刺的) cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among (3)sentence patterns used to give your opinions: 1. I think/believe that 2. As far as I’m concerned, 3. In my opinion, 4. From my point of view, 在解决问题的过程中,教师就每个问题都配备了相应的漫画,在指导 之后给学生分别以小组或个人的形式加以操练,以做到当堂学习,当堂巩固。
    四、注意点的补充 就英语漫画类作文的特点,教师还补充几点要求学生在行文时注意:
    (1)保证作文的三要素---体裁、人称、时态要正确;(2)避免漫画类作文的一些常见 错误,如:误解图意、中心不明等;(3)控制字数,不能太短,但也不要太长;(4) 结尾尽量要写地精彩。
    五、总结 一篇高分英语漫画作文必定是做到了仔细审题、准确立义、规范行文 和整洁书
    六、作业布置 运用你今天所学的英语漫画作文的写作方法和技巧来练一篇作文。
    下图描绘的是目前很多孩子们的苦恼。请你根据对下面这幅 漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文,描述一下造成这种现象的原 因并发表你的看法。
    漫画英文作文写作模板Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay to 1)describe the drawing, 2)deduce the purpose of the painter of the drawing, and 3)suggest counter-measures. You should write about 160—200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) [参考范文](205 words) 观棋不语也是一种文明礼貌的体现 As is vividly betrayed in the drawing above, the people who are watching the chess game are reluctant to openly express their opinions about what is right and what is wrong though they can tell the right from the wrong. The drawing is really thought-provoking. The aim of the painter of the drawing is to reveal the fact that people in modern society are losing the courage to openly support what is right and condemn what is wrong due to their personal interests. The theft case in the bus is a case in point. Most often, nobody is brave enough
to stop the thief. Sometimes the person who stops the thief in the bus is seriously injured by the thief with all the passengers doing nothing to help on the spot. It is quite common that some victims dare not admit that their properties are stolen. Such cases are increasing and threatening our society. Counter-measures should be taken to avoid the cases mentioned above. To begin with, we must launch a campaign to popularize the world outlook of sticking to what is right and condemning what is wrong. What’s more, we must establish relevant laws to award those who support what is right and punish those who avoid and escape weak when they are facing the wrong.