Text 1
  M:Are you making cups today?
  W:No,we’re going to make a large vase for some flowers.I like going to class and learning new things.It makes me feel good.
  Text 2
  M:Do you want the same cut as last time?
  W:The same on top,but I’d like it a little longer over the ears and in the back.
  Text 3
  W:I wonder what’s happened to Jerry.He hasn’t been around for at least 2 weeks.
  M:He took leave to see his mother in Europe.
  Text 4
  W:Hello!I am interested in purchasing that clock.I have been late to work almost every day this week.
  M:Well,luckily,this one has an alarm clock.I use the same one every day myself,and it is very helpful.
  Text 5
  W:Lewis,Don told me that he could get you that Lady Gaga signature through a friend at work if you’re still interested in getting it.
  M:Still interested in getting it?Um,I have every single Lady Gaga CD,and my wall is covered in her pictures!If I ever get a pet dog,I’ll probably name her Gaga,that’s how into her I am,so…
  Text 6
  W:Look at those pictures!They’re fantastic!You’re so talented,James.And wow,what a cool camera!
  M:It’s a Nikon D200,and it’s really easy to use.But now,I’m planning to save up for a new Olympus E1.It will definitely cost me an arm and a leg.
  W:Sounds quite professional.Anyway,would you please bring your camera with you next Sunday and take some pictures of us while we’re playing tennis?
  M:Sure,you got it.
  Text 7
  M:There is just one problem,madam.Your driver’s license is no longer valid.
  M:Yes.Today is the 19th,and your driver’s license was valid through the 17th.I’m afraid we can’t accept it.Do you have another form of ID?
  W:Not with me.My passport is at home,but that’s 30 minutes away.
  M:I do apologize,but this is our policy.If you want to continue with your deposit,you might have to go home and get it.
  W:That’s OK.I’ll just come back tomorrow with my passport.I need to try to get a new license now.Otherwise,I won’t be able to drive home!
  Text 8
  W:Can I help you?
  M:Oh,I’m just looking,thanks.Well,actually,I’m looking for something for my sister.
  W:And what exactly are you looking for?
  M:I don’t really know.A dress?
  W:Right.Well,what color does your sister usually wear?
  W:Okay,what color are her eyes?
  W:OK,purple usually suits people with green eyes.
  M:Oh,great,purple’s fine.
  W:Now,what size is she?
  M:Um,well…she isn’t very big,but she’s not particularly thin,either.
  W:That’ll be a medium,then.Well,we have this rather nice silk evening dress here…
  M:Good,I’ll take it.How much is it?
  W:$70,sir.How would you like to pay?
  M:Seventy?!Uh,by credit card,please.
  W:Fine.If you could just sign…
  M:Here you are.Goodbye.
  W:Just a minute,sir.Here’s your receipt.
  M:Oh yes,uh…can she exchange it if it doesn’t fit her?
  W:Yes,but she needs to bring the receipt.
  Text 9
  W:Young man,I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with the gentleman who just gave you directions.
  W:I think he must be confused.The directions he gave you are all wrong.If you follow them,you’ll have a lovely ride,but you’ll end up at the zoo.
  M:What should I do,then?
  W:Come with me.I’m heading in the direction where you can catch the bus you want.We’ll just continue down Gold Road here for a few minutes.
  M:OK,great.Thank you.
  W:Here we are.This is the corner of Wall Street and Gold Road,and here’s your bus stop.Take the F-1 down to the river,and get off at Riverside Road.
  M:And that’s where the church is?
  W:No,transfer there to the L-5 going north.The end of the line for L-5 is just across the street from Riverside Church.The whole ride shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes.
  M:Thanks.I’m glad you set me straight.Is that my bus coming down the street now?
  W:Yes,it is.I hope you have exact change.The driver doesn’t give change to passengers.
  M:I have quite a few quarters with me.Thanks again!Goodbye.
  Text 10
  M:Many young girls dream of being models.Now,my first question:How were you able to make your dream a reality?
  W:I actually spent my childhood being a model.My mother put me in TV commercials and other advertisements when I was just a small baby.
  M:Do you think that modeling has influenced your life at all?
  W:It’s difficult to say.Sometimes I feel like it’s hard to make friends when you are a model.It seems like all they care about is my looks.I travel a lot,and that also puts a lot of stress on any relationships that I have.