    题  目 论《沉香屑·第一炉香》中女性悲剧命运
    学  院            文学院                   
    专  业蛋蛋1113非爱勿扰          汉语言文学                 
    *  **            ***                   
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赵仁成 宋慧乔2014  年  5  月  16 日

汤唯的照片  关键词:张爱玲;女性;精神分析;彩;悲剧意识
  Eileen Chang(1920-1995),a talented female writer who swept through Shanghai in 1940s.By portraying the strength of numerous female characters clearly, she created an
artistic conception from the deep sense of tragedy.Living in that circumstance,the female character does not only having legendary experience, but also being the representative,the fate, the emotion , the marriage and the existence of tragedy. In that way ,numbers of her characters made their names in the history of literature.This thesis starts from the psychoanalysis and characteristic description proposed by Freud, is trying to explore the sense of tragedy in Eileen Chang`s work.Take her masterpiece The First Furnace Aloes Crumbs,Sweet as an example, which was published on the issue Violet established by Zhou Shoujuan in 1943.By analyzing the tragic fate of  the chief actress Ge Weilong and Mrs. Liang , to get a hint of the attention of female destiny and the reestablishment and self-examination of feminist consciousness paid by Eileen Chang.
Key Words:Eileen Chang; Femininity; Psychoanalysis; Color ;Sense of tragedy
