BBC Learning English – Q & A of the Week
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Want and Fancy两个词的区别
Wang Fei:大家好,我是王飞!
Finn: And I'm Finn.
Wang Fei:And you're listening to…
Finn: Question…
Wang Fei: And Answer…
Finn: Of the Week!
Wang Fei: By the way Finn, why are you dressed as a clown? 像一个小丑?
Finn: I'll tell you later!Anyway, here's this week's question.
Hello BBC, my name is Seang Tan, I come from Malaysia. I have a question about the differences between want and fancy. As an example, if I say, "Do you want to come to my house?" can I use "Do you fancy come my house?" instead? Are there other usages of the word fancy? Thank you.
Wang Fei:我们的听友Seang Tan 想知道如何使用 fancy 这个词。他觉得 fancy 和 want 的区别,还有 fancy 的其它用法。They are similar, aren't they Finn?
Finn: Yes, they are. Seang Tan actually gave a good example. He asked if the phrases "Do you want to come to my house?" and "Do you fancy coming
to my house?" have the same meaning. What do you think, Wang Fei? Wang Fei:我觉得它们的意思是很相近,但是如果你用 fancy 这个词的话,听起来更亲切,更婉转。
Finn:Yes, I'd agree, the meanings are very similar but I think fancy is less formal, more friendly and a bit softer.
Wang Fei:语气更婉转。如果你问一个人 do you want to come to my house?听起来有些太直接了,特别是当你和这个人不太熟悉的时候。
Finn:Great. But Seang Tan also wanted to know the other meanings. And indeed there are a lot of meanings in English. Lets listen to this
conversation between two girls in a cafe. First, how many times do you
hear the word fancy?
miss a feiGirl one:  So, what do you fancy?
Girl two:  I think I'll go for the chocolate milkshake. You?
Girl one:  I fancy a beer to be honest.
Girl two:  Cool, well how's it going with your boyfriend?
Girl one:  You know what? He's great, but I just don't think I fancy him.
Girl two:  Oh well. You know what, I saw your ex last week.
Girl one:  Really?
Girl two:  Yes, and he was still wearing the fancy scarf you gave him!
Girl one:  No way! Fancy that. I do miss him sometimes…
Girl two:  Oh, hello. We'd like a chocolate milkshake and a beer please.
Wang Fei:How many times? 我刚才数了一下,她们大约用了5次fancy这个词。
Finn:Yes, five times. The first two are the usage we know already. First she says:
Girl one:  So, what do you fancy?
Wang Fei:What do you fancy? 这里也是让语气听起来比what do you want? 更友好更婉转。
Girl two:  I think I'll go for the chocolate milkshake. You?
Girl one:  I fancy a beer to be honest.
Wang Fei:I fancy a beer to be honest. 我就要一杯啤酒吧。Fancy 这里的意思就是 want, 但是这里也有一层意思是说“我要这个,但是实际上我并不是特别需要它。”Finn:Now, listen out for the next fancy. What does it mean here?
Girl two:  Well, how's it going with your boyfriend?
Girl one:  You know what? He's great, but I just don't think I fancy him.
Wang Fei:她说她的男朋友很优秀,但是She doesn't fancy him. Does this mean she doesn't want him?
Finn: Not exactly. Fancy, used as a verb like this is a kind of slang in British English. If you fancy someone it means you are attracted to them.
Wang Fei:如果你 fancy 某个人,就是说你被这个人吸引,你对这个人有感觉。But she doesn't fancy her boyfriend. Oh no.
Finn: Perhaps that's why she needed a beer.
Wang Fei: Maybe! Well, there are two more 'fancies' to hear. Listen out for them.
Girl two:  You know what, I saw your ex last week.
Girl one:  Really?
Girl two:  Yes, he was still wearing the fancy scarf you gave him!
Girl one:  No way! Fancy that.
Wang Fei: Did you hear them? 第一个fancy 是一个形容词。
Finn: Yes, she used fancy to describe a scarf. A fancy scarf.
Wang Fei: 一条漂亮的、别致的围巾。A fancy scarf. Fancy 作为形容词就是漂亮的、别致的,甚至有时候是很花哨的。
Finn: Yes, you could talk about a fancy scarf, or maybe a fancy house, a fancy car or a fancy suit…
Wang Fei: 对!我们听最后一个fancy.
Girl one:  No way! Fancy that.
Wang Fei: Fancy that. 真想不到!真巧!这个短语是表达一个小惊喜或者有什么新发现什么的。Finn, did you know we have the same birthday?
Finn: Really? Fancy that. Ha ha. Well, those are our different meanings of fancy. Wang Fei: Well, I hope that answers Seang Tan's question. Actually Finn, I want to ask you, why are you dressed as a clown?
Finn: I am dressed as a clown. The reason is because I'm in fancy dress!
Wang Fei: Oh! Fancy dress 就是化妆舞会服装,花里胡哨的衣服。Very good. Well, I fancy
a coffee, so time to go.
Finn: And I fancy a… chocolate milkshake. Time to go. Bye!
Wang Fei: Bye.