1."今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,但大部分人都死在明天晚上,看不到后天的太阳。"(Today is tough, tomorrow will be tougher, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful. Most people will die tomorrow night and never see the sunrise of the day after tomorrow.)
2."创业不是你觉得你可以,而是别人觉得你可以。"(Entrepreneurship is not about what you think you can do, but what others think you can do.)马云的老婆赵薇
3."机会在于危机之中。"(Opportunities lie within crises.)
4."别人笑你太疯癫,你笑别人看不穿。"(When others laugh at your crazy ideas, you laugh because they can't see through them.)
5."如果你不放弃,你就有希望。"(If you don't give up, you still have a chance.)
6."过去的事已经过去,我们唯一能做的就是改变未来。"(The past is already gone, the only thing we can do is to change the future.)
7."今天做不到的事情,明天也不会做到,但是明天会做好一点。"(What you can't achieve today, you won't achieve tomorrow, but you will do a little better tomorrow.)
8."你在40岁之前要做的事情,一定要在40岁之前完成。"(What you need to do before the age of 40, you must accomplish it before the age of 40.)
9."敢于面对自己的缺点,也敢于面对自己的优点。"(Dare to face your own shortcomings, and dare to face your own strengths.)
10."如果你想要改变世界,先改变你自己。"(If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself.)