1.To be a good swimmer, I must have _____ lessons. (   )
A.swim    B.swimming    C.to swim    D.swims
2.Helen is a ___________ girl. She can dance ___________. (   )
A.beautiful; beautiful    B.beautiful; beautifully    C.beautifully; beautiful
3.You can find many ______ in Aesop's Fables. (   )
A.Chinese stories    B.toy stories    C.animal stories
4.—Did you clean your room? (     )   
—No, I ________.
A.don’t    B.did    C.didn’t
5.We go to school ______ Monday ______ Friday. (   )
A.to; from    B.to; to    C.from; to
6.We will _____ on the Internet. (    )
A.look them up    B.look up them    C.look them up at
7.My friends likes ______. (   )
A.sing and dance    B.run and swim    C.running and swimming
8.We           smoke in the library. (  )
A.mustn't    B.must    C.can
9.It is cold today, you must _______ your coat. (   )
A.take off    B.put on    C.pick up
10.—______ did you go with? (   )
—My friend Tim.
A.Where    B.Who    C.How
11.Let me _____ the teacher to help answer the question. (   )
A.ask    B.to ask    C.asks    D.asked
12.—I want to fly to the Moon. ( )
—Do you want to be _______?
—Yes, I do.
A.an artist    B.a scientist    C.an astronaut
13.You're ________ than me. (    )
A.old    B.older    C.big
14.There _________ no dining hall here twenty years ago. (    )
A.were    B.was    C.be
15.We eat mooncakes on _________. (    )
A.Mid-Autumn Day    B.National Day    C.Women's Day
16.Before I was _______ in class. Now, I’m very _______. (   )
A.old; young    B.tall; short    C.quiet; active
17.—How heavy are you? (     )
—I’m 48 ________.
A.kg    B.cm    C.tons
18.—How ______ is it? (   )
—It is 4.81 kilograms.
A.heavy    B.tall    C.much
19.There is going to be a good film at the ____. (   )
A.stadium    B.cinema    C.office    D.school
20.Yang Ling likes sweet food, ______ she eats a little at a time. (    )
A.so    B.because    C.and    D.but
21.The monkey's tail is _____ (long) than the rabbit's tail.
22.My brown dog is _______ (big) than the black one.
23.Tom often _______ (study) Chinese on Sundays.
24.My brother is ____ (thin) than me.
25.May's birthday is on ________ (two) of August.
26.Look, Yang Ling is dancing ________ (beautiful).
27.Let's go ____________ (shop).
28.Look! The little boy _________ (cross) the busy road by himself.
29.It’s often _______ here in summer. Look! It _______ heavily. (rain)
30.How many _____ (tomato) are there in the basket?
31.W_____ there any tall b_____ in your v_____ before?
32.Helen _______ (需要) a few eggs for breakfast.
33.My grandfather is very h______. He always keeps fit.
34.The girl can _________ (照顾她的奶奶) at home.
35.My aunt _________ (擅长烹饪). She can make a cake easily.
36.We borrow books from the ____________.
37.Your father’s mother is your ______.
38.It’s hot and the days are long. We can go swimming and eat ice cream. It’s s______.
39.John will buy a ______ (礼物) in the afternoon.
40.Amy f______ off her bike, she h______ her leg.
We know a lot about __41___. They __42___哈尔滨购物 different __43___. We __44___ walk __45___ the grass. We should __46___ in the classroom. The sign ‘Danger’ __47___ we __48___ go into it. In the cinema or other places, we shouldn't __49___ here and there. In the library or reading room, we should read books __50___.
41、A.public sign    B.public sings    C.public signs
42、A.mean    B.means    C.meaning
43、A.things    B.the thing    C.thing
44、A.should    B.can    C.can’t
45、A.in    B.on    C.to
46、A.be quiet    B.make noise    C.keep off the grass
47、A.is mean    B.mean    C.means
48、A.must    B.can    C.shouldn’t
49、A.litter    B.no littering    C.touch
50、A.quiet    B.quietly    C.be quiet
Hello, everybody! My name is Amy. I’m ten years old. I go to school every day. I get up at 7 o'clock. I have milk and bread for breakfast. I like milk. Milk is good for us. Then I go to school. I have lunch at school. At 3:40, school is over. I go back home. Dinner is ready, there’s some soup, chicken, vegetables, fish and rice for dinner. I am so happy.
51、Amy gets up at seven o'clock. (      )
52、Amy has milk and cake for breakfast. (      )
53、She has lunch at school. (      )
54、At 4:40, school is over. (      )
55、There’s some soup, chicken, fruit, fish and rice for dinner. (      )
Last weekend, we went to a park for a picnic. It was sunny. We had lunch at about twelve o'clock. The food was very good. But we didn’t have anything to drink. Lily had some money. So she went to buy some drink. We waited for a long time, but she wasn’t back. Tom said, “Let’s look for her.” Under a big tree, we found her. She was sitting under the tree. “I hurt my foot,” Lily said. We took her to the hospital. The doctor said her injury(伤)was not serious(严重的).