Research on Shading Solutions of Lighting Atrium in Shopping Mall Building
Zhanlian Zhang , Shanyu Li
(Shenzhen Wonderland-time Green Building Technology Co., LTD , Shenzhen , 518000)
Abstract:At present, glass skylight atriums are widely used in large shopping mall buildings. The design appeal of such buildings to the atrium skylight area is reflected in the dimensions of beauty, health and comfort, energy saving, low maintenance cost, and simple management. Reasonable design of shading facilities of the glass skylight is of great significance to improving indoor comfort, reducing the energy consumption of air-conditioning and operation and maintenance management. Taking a shopping mall in Yinchuan city as an example, in addition to the traditional internal and external shading strategies, the paper compared and analyzed the shading, heat insulation, energy saving and lighting effects of four product types, including heat-induced dimming glass, triple-silver Low-E hollow glass, ETFE film structure and hollow laminated Cadmium telluride thin film power generation glass. Among them, the thermal dimming glass has advantages in lighting and shading performance, which can reduce the lighting power consumption of the atrium lighting roof, and reduce the power consumption of air-conditioning refrigeration and heating. The product is integrated with the glass, no driving equipment is required, no manual control and management are required for operation, onl
哈尔滨购物y routine cleaning and maintenance are required, and operation and management are simple.
Keywords:Shopping mall; atrium lighting roof; shade; heat insulation; energy saving; daylighting; operations management
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