1.My brother likes _____ TV in the evening, but he _______ TV yesterday evening. (   )
A.watches; doesn’t watch    B.watching; didn’t watch    C.watched; watched
2.He’s a ________ boy. He can swim ________. (     )
A.well; well    B.good; well    C.well; good
3.From then on, John and David ________ good friends. (    )
A.become    B.became    C.becomes
4.Every morning, the short man does sport first, then he goes to work. (选出画线单词的读音不同的一项。) (   )
A.short    B.sport    C.work
5.—_________ it often _________ here? (    )
—Yes, people usually take an umbrella with them.
A.Is; rain    B.Does; rainy    C.Is; rainy
6.A: ________ will you stay in Beijing? (    )
B: I will stay there for a few ________.
A.When; days    B.How long; day    C.How long; days
7.—Did you clean your room? (     )   
—No, I ________.
A.don’t    B.did    C.didn’t
8.The man _________ big eyes is Su Hai’s father. (   )
A.with    B.in    C.on
9.I had ______ cold and stayed at home all weekend. (   )
A.the    B.an    C.a
10.Mike ______ many pictures and ate fresh food yesterday. (   )
A.take    B.took    C.taking
11.This is not my bag. _____ is over there. (   )
A.My    B.Mine    C.I
12.Tom lost his book. He's so sad. We can say he is feeling      .  (    )
A.black    B.red    C.blue
13.I have two storybooks, but Helen ______ four. (   )
A.has    B.have    C.had
14.You      play football on the road.(  )
A.mustn’t    B.must    C.can
15.Don’t _____ late for school.  (   )
A.be    B.are    C.is
16.One day I’m going to _______ the moon. (   )
A.visits    B.visited    C.visit
17.—Did you watch the Strawberry Music Festival last weekend? (    )
—______ I went shopping.
A.Yes, I did.    B.No, I wasn’t.    C.No, I didn’t.
18.—What’s your pen pal’s hobby? ( )
—She likes ______.
A.drawing cartoons    B.cooking food    C.doing word puzzles
19.—_____ (    )
—It was good.
A.How was your weekend?    B.What happened?    C.What else?
20.Mike usually __________ his homework after supper. (     )
A.does    B.do    C.did
21.—Did your father ________ (see) a film last night?
—No, he didn’t.
22.—Did you go to the nature park?
—Yes, I ________ (take) many pictures there.
23.I _____ (wash) my clothes the day before yesterday.
24.I went _____ (camp) with my parents last weekend.
25.I ______ (eat) lots of fresh food last summer.
26.In the garden, there are many ____ (tomato).
27.Children’s Day is on the _____ (one) of June.
28.We must stay _________ (safe) on the road.
29.The red light is on. We _______ (must) walk now.
30._______ (read) _______ (make) people clever. Please _______ (read) more books.
31.He wants to be an _______ (画家).
32.The policeman is very tall and ________ (强壮的).
33.You must _________ (当心汽车和自行车).
34.W_________ to my school. I'll show you around it.
35.Chopsticks are _______________ for western people, but they are ________ for Chinese people.
36.I was at home yesterday. I ______ ______ (go) to work.
37.My uncle is a car worker. He works in a car f______.
38.I will ________ (照相) in the nature park this Sunday.
39.Sarah often _____ (watch) TV with her family on the weekend.
40.A: _________________ was your summer holiday?
B: It was fine.
Tom did not like doing his homework, because he liked to do some other things41_ school. And his teacher always__42___a lot of mistakes(错误) in his homework.
One day, his Maths teacher_43__at Tom's homework and saw that he got all his answers__44___. He was very disappointed(失望)and angry. The __45___morning before class, he called Tom and said to him, "You got all your homework right this time. Did your father ___46____ you?" Sometimes Tom's father helped him with his homework,__47___this time he didn't help Tom because he_48__at home. So Tom answered, "No, Sir. He was __49___ last night, so I __50___ to do it by myself."
41、A.before    B.after    C.behind    D.in front of
42、A.made    B.found    C.looked at    D.looked
43、A.laughed    B.knocked    C.looked    D.saw
44、A.wrong    B.right    C.good    D.bad
45、A.next    B.last    C.later    D.this
46、A.helped    B.told    C.help    D.say
47、A.and    B.but    C.so    D.or
48、A.isn't    B.weren’t    C.wasn't    D.aren’t
49、A.happy    B.busy    C.sad    D.hungry
50、A.had    B.should    C.liked    D.must
Shanghai changes a lot in transportation(交通).
In the past, there were few cars. Now there are many kinds of cars. There were not any bridges above the Huangpu River. Now there are some bridges on it. There were no tunnels(隧道)under it.
There were no undergrounds. Now there are many undergrounds. There were no light rails(轻轨)and maglevs(磁悬浮). Now there are some lights and maglevs.
The changes make our lives more convenient(方便). I like the changes.
51、The transportation in Shanghai changes a lot. (    )