摘  要
The 21st century is a new era of information diversity and we are living in this era of information and also feel the digital media to bring everyone fun. At present a large number of animation films have been shown in cinemas and they are shining with brilliant
light. As a special way of expression digital media art has a profound and important influence on art. In recent years digital media art arises at the historic moment and begins to be widely applied and developed in animation film and television. In view of this this paper will take "The Magic Child of Naizha coming into the World" as an example to analyze how domestic animation should be innovated in concept under the development of digital media art and try to discuss the development trend of domestic animation under the innovation of concept so as to enrich the academic research of digital media art in the new century new era and new art field.
Key words: Digital media art; Animation; Application; Innovation; The development trend