As the Chinese college entrance exam – Gaokao comes closer, students and their families are eagerly anticipating the day of the exam. The Gaokao is one of the toughest exams in the world, and it determines the future of millions of students in China.
To show support for the examinees, many people send them inspiring messages and prayers. This is where the tradition of "8-word blessing phrases" comes into play. These phrases are concise, yet powerful words of encouragement, and they have become a part of the Chinese culture of Gaokao. In this article, we'll introduce you to some of these phrases and their English translations.
1. 幸运祝福,所有梦想成真!(Xìngyùn zhùfú, suǒyǒu mèngxiǎng chéng zhēn!) Good luck, may all your dreams come true!
2. 坚持不懈,勤奋可贵。(Jiānchí búxiè, qínfèn kěguì.)Persistence pays off, hard work is priceless.
3. 永不放弃,一定成功。(Yǒng bù fàngqì, yídìng chénggōng.)Never give up, success will come for sure.
4. 努力奋斗,迎接光明!(Nǔlì fèndòu, yíngjiē guāngmíng!)Strive hard, embrace the light!
5. 千锤百炼,铸造辉煌。(Qiānchuíbǎiliàn, zhùzào huīhuáng.)Forge ahead, create brilliance.
6. 汗水浇灌,梦想绽放。(Hànshuǐ jiāoguàn, mèngxiǎng zhànfàng.)Water the seeds, let the dream blossom.
7. 青春无悔,收获满载。(Qīngchūn wúhuǐ, shōuhuò mǎn zài.)No regrets in youth, harvest with abundance.
8. 希望之光,明亮无比。(Xīwàng zhī guāng, míngliàng wúbǐ.)The light of hope, shining the brightest.
9. 力争上游,再创佳绩。(Lìzhēng shàngyóu, zài chuàng jiājì.)Strive to be the best, create more achievements.
10. 心存信念,万物皆有可能。(Xīn cún xìnniàn, wànwù jiē yǒu kěnéng.)Believe in yourself, anything is possible.
11. 越到后面越顽强。(Yuè dào hòumiàn yuè wánqiáng.)The further we go, the tougher we become.
12. 时间是味精,有了它更好吃。(Shíjiān shì wèijīng, yǒule tā gèng hàochī.)Time is like seasoning, adding flavor to our life.
13. 未来是你自己亲手创造出来的。(Wèilái shì nǐ zìjǐ qīnshǒu chuàngzào chūlái de.)The future is created by your own hands.
14. 不要鼓掌送别,要把自己打磨的更好。(Bùyào gǔzhǎng sòngbié, yào bǎ zìjǐ dǎmó de gèng hǎo.)Don't say goodbye, polish yourself to be better.
15.心态决定成败,保持好心态。(Xīntài juédìng chéngbài, bǎochí hǎo xīntài.)Attitude determines success or failure, maintain a positive one.
In conclusion, these 8-word blessing phrases serve as words of encouragement and motivation for Gaokao examinees. Many people believe that these phrases carry great power and that they provide hope and inspiration to those who read them. It is hoped that these phrases will help the examinees to maintain their focus, achieve their goals, and ultimately succeed in their lives.