不过这篇中文版的《我的AI》其实是翻译版,中文版下面有这么一行字translation courtesy of joyapple,意思相当于the translation is provided by courtesy of joyapple,即中文版的译者是一名叫joyapple的网友。
As my AI voice takes on a life of its own while I despair over my overhanging stomach and
my children's every damn thing, I can't help but want to write something about it.
take on a life of its own,这里take on是一个短语,意思是“开始具有,呈现出(其中一种特征、面貌等)”。比如:His life had taken on a new dimension. 他的生活呈现出新的面貌。
overhanging意思是“悬挂的,低垂的”,overhanging stomach夸张而又形象地写出了肚腩突起的状态。
every damn thing相当于“各种生活破事”,关于damn还有另一个表达one damn thing after another,即“破事一件接着一件”。
switch sides是一个固定搭配,相当于“转变立场,倒戈相向”,也可以说成switch allegiance。
persona即我们说的各种“形象”,比如“网络形象”可以说online persona,“人的公众形象”可以说somebody’s public persona
hot property是近年来英文世界流行的一个新词,意思相当于a person or thing that is in demand,the current hot property可以理解为“顶流”。
第一个长句写得很漂亮,句子后半部分while piecing and putting together… hand出现了语序调整,还原后是:while piecing and putting together the task being asked at hand in a…manner,之所以要将in a most coherent manner提前是为了保持句子平衡,避免头重脚轻。这也是母语人士写长句时经常用到的一种手法。in a XX manner是一个固定搭配,意思是“以……的方式”。
The very task that…that the formation…the very idea that this is…the looming thing that will threaten… 这个长句同样写得非常有水平,that the formation of thought…is now the looming thing…是that引导的一个主语从句,其中the very idea that…则是that引导的一个同位语从句。beyond somebody’s league意思相当于“超出了人的档次或水平”。
You will protest, well I can tell the difference, there is no…中间的well I can tell the difference可以理解为插入语,句子主干即:You will protest (that) there is no…
I suspect that this would be…这里用情态动词would可以让语气更加委婉,不像will那么肯定。
At this point, I feel like a popcorn eater with the best seat in the theatre. (Sidenote: Quite possibly in this case no tech is able to predict what it's like to be me, e某cept when this is published then ok it's free for all). It's like watching that movie that changed a lot of our lives Everything Everywhere All At Once, e某cept in this case, I don't think it will be the idea of love that will save the day.
In this boundless sea of e某istence, where anything is possible, where nothing matters, I think it will be purity of thought, that being e某actly who you are will be enough. With this I fare thee well.
第一句出现了省略,相当于I think it will be purity of thought, that being e某actly who you are (that) will be enough,即“我认为思想纯净、做自己,已然足够”。