摘要:针对工业生产中曲柄滑块机构的参数化设计要求,根据偏置曲柄滑块机构的实际物理模型,推导了机构各部分的运动学和动力学关系,并在MA TLAB环境下建立曲柄滑块的机构模型,通过仿真分析得到了机构各部分的运动学和动力学参数周期曲线。为相关机械产品设计过程提供了一种快速修改原始设计参数以达到理想物理性能的解决方案。
中图分类号:TH115 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7988(2019)23-135-03
Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of Crank and Slider Mechanism
Based on MATLAB
Liu Mo
(North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Henan Zhengzhou 450045)
Abstract:Parametric design requirements for crank-slider mechanism in industrial production, According to the actual physical model of the biased crank slider mechanism, the kinematics and dynamics of each part of the mechanism are derived. And establish the mechanism model of the crank slider in the MA TLAB environment. Through the simulation analysis, the kinematics and kinetic parameters cycle curves of various parts of the mechanism are obtained. Provides a solution for quickly modifying the original design parameters to achieve the desired physical properties for the relevant mechanical product design process.
Keywords: Crank slider; Kinematics; Dynamics; MATLAB Simulation
CLC NO.: TH115 Document Code: A Article ID: 1671-7988(2019)23-135-03
为适应现代机械的高速化、轻量化、精密化和自动化,机械动力学在过去二三十年间得到了迅速的发展。特别是在机械设计过程中,常常要求对原始设计参数随时修改以达到理想的运动和力学性能,这就是所谓的参数化设计思想。而MA TLAB(又称矩阵实验室)对数据处理的强大性和方便性,在MATLAB环境下对该曲柄滑块机构进行运动分析,列矢量程表达式,建立矩阵方程,进行数值求解。然后运动牛顿力学方法,对曲柄滑块进行动力学分析,从而实现对曲柄摇杆机构的动态仿真分析。
1 运动学求解
建立曲柄滑块机构分析简图如图1所示,该机构由曲柄1、连杆2、滑块3组成,m1,m2,m3分别为各组成部件质量。R1,R2分别为各部分长度,F Ax,F Ay,F Bx,F By分别为各部件所受外力,M A为驱动力矩,F Cx,F Cy为滑动平面对滑