苏教牛津版英语五年级上册《Halloween》教案教材简析:本案例是牛津小学英语5a unit4 a部分的教学设计,也是本单元第一课时的教学设计。本单元的核心内容是围绕西方的一个重要节日――万圣节晚会的准备工作展开的一段对话。新<<;课标>>要求教师的教学能帮助学生了解世界,认识中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。我认为本书的编者正是围绕中西方文化意识差异而编写了本单元的教学内容。通过本课的学习教师不仅要帮助学生掌握相关的语言知识,而且要让学生知道并了解万圣节的具体日期、由来、西方家庭如何过万圣节和过万圣节所需的物品,从而拓展学生的知识面,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,继而为终生学习英语打下良好的基础。目标预设:1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a family,thing,need,a horse2、能听得懂、会说、会读单词halloween,tomorrow,mask,pumpkin, lantern,vase,3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语what do you need? we need some … what else do you need?..., please. here ’s your change. do you like …?yes, i do./no, i don ’t. i like … what do you like? i like …4、让学生通过本课学习,了解万圣节的有关知识,培养学生跨文化交际的意识和能力。教学重点:1、让学生了解有关万圣节的知识。2、让学生能初步表演本课所学对话。教学难点:1、句型do you like masks?中可数名词复数的正确使用。2、单词halloween,tomorrow,pumpkin,lantern的正确朗读。设计理念:本节课的教学设计,根据新课标精神,以心理学、建构主义理论为指导,以学生为主体,教师为主导,使英语教学与信息技术相整合,利用多媒体手段进行教学,通过情景设计,以听听、说说、动动、唱唱、演演等活动,并在课堂中运用多种方法促使学生多说、多用,形成自主、探究性学习,致力于激发学生学习的兴趣和参与积极性及建立培养自信心上,使学生真正成为学习的主人,让学
生在轻松、愉快的气氛中自然习得英语。本课不仅要帮助学生掌握相关的语言知识,而且要让学生知道并了解万圣节的具体日期、由来、哪些国家过万圣节、西方家庭如何过万圣节和过万圣节所需的物品。同时培养学生英语的积极情感,在语言实践中,形成初步的英语语感,打好语音语调基础,具备用所学英语进行交流的能力,养成良好的学习习惯,为以后的进一步学习打好语言、情感和学习习惯的基础。设计思路:本节课通过师生自由交谈,复习四年级学过句型也是本节课的重要句型do you like …?yes, i do./no, i don ’t. i like … what do you like? i like …并引出单词vase的教学。在通过对西方重要节日halloween的介绍中引出本课单词的学习,然后提出halloween这么有意思,我们一起来开一个halloween party,引出本课的句型教学what do you need? we need some … what else do you need?..., please. here ’s your change.学完后用所学内容编一个又能
说又能唱的chant,复习所学内容。最后进入本课的课文内容学习:让学生分段听录音并循序渐进做相应的练习,跟录音读,分角读,让学生逐步理解掌握课文内容。教学过程:step1 greetingsstep2 sing a song《we can sing and dance》(设计意图:儿童心理学特征告诉我们,教唱英语歌是一种很好的教学手段。课前一首歌,是组织进行教学的好方法,它能使学生以饱满的精神、激昂的情绪,为上好一堂课作前奏。小学英语教材每个单元后面都有一首英语歌,教师可以充分发挥其作用。将歌曲放在课堂开始,一来可使学生渐渐进入英语环境,二来也可以活跃课堂气氛。)step3 free talkhow are you?what ’s in the classroom?is there a …?what can you do?do you like …?are there any …?
where are they?(相机教授vase)(设计意图:与学生进行简单的日常用语的交流,让学生很快融入英语学习的氛围,运用旧知,链接新知,引入下一步的学习。)step4 presentationa. learn
“halloween ”t: today i ’ll tell you something about a festival ” halloween ”(师出示halloween单词卡)ss: (齐跟读,个别读)b. introduce the festival
“halloween ”t: halloween is on 31st of octob er.(师介绍halloween 相机教pumpkin lantern, mask,horse并用do you like …? i like horse masks.what masks do you like?与学生对话)c. learn what do we need? thingt: halloween is so interesting. let ’s have a halloween party,ok?ss:ok.t: what do we need?s: we need some …t: (相机板书)what else do we need?s: we need
…t: now let ’s buy things for a halloween party. thingss: (个别读,齐读)t: now i ’m the shop assistant. can i help you?s: we need some …t : what else do you need?s: we need some …d.s —s practise, then ask a s to be the assistant.t相机教how much are they? here ’s your change.(设计意图:在教课的“呈现”阶段,就向学生们介绍
“万圣节”的习俗,点明主题,并围绕这个主题情景引出所有的单词、句型的教学。)step5 have a restsing the song《can i help you?》(配上《铃儿响叮当》前半部分的旋律唱)can i help you?we need a mask.what else do you need?some flowers ,please.how much are they?twenty-five yuan.her
万圣节说说e ’s the money.here ’s your change.(设计意图:把刚学过的单词和句型设计成一首英语歌曲,配上学生熟悉的《铃儿响叮当》前半部分的旋律唱,让学生通过唱英语歌曲,复习刚刚学过内容。同时活跃了课堂气氛,吸引了学生的注意力。)step6 presentationa. learn tomorrowt: tomorrow is halloween. tomorrowss: (listen and read)t: ben and his
family are talking about the halloween party. what are they talking about? let ’s listen to the tape and answer:1.where are ben and his family?2.what do they need?3.does ben like masks?ss: (listen to the dialogue of p30 and answer the questions)b. listen to the dialogue of p31 and answer:what masks does ron like?how much are the things?b. listen to the dialogue again and complete the passage.it ’s tomorrow. ben and his family are in the . they would like things for a .they need some chocolate, some and a .ben and his brother ron like .ben likes ,too.the things listen to the dialogue and imitate.d.分角朗读。(设计意图:将课文分段呈现,遵循由易到难的原则,先让学生根据多媒体呈现的课文内容,回答问题,锻炼学生的听、说技能;然后让学生再次看多媒体呈现的课文内容,完成习纸上的内容,锻炼学生的读、写技能。)step7summary(设计意图:通过归纳和总结,帮助学生更好地巩固了新学的内容,让学生对本课所学有了更好的掌握。)step8homeworka. listen to the tape and imitate.b. copy the four skills words and make a dialogue.buy things for a halloween party.buy things for a birthday party.buy things for women ’s day.buy things for
children ’s day.buy things for teachers ’ day.板书设计:unit 4 halloween datewhat do we need?we need some …what else do you need?how much are they? … yuan, please. here your change.