Hey! Look what I got everybody.  看看我给大家带什么来了
Newspapers?  报纸吗
Did you find a portal back to the 1990s?  你是到回90年代的传送门了吗
No. If he had that, he'd be trying to prevent NSYNC  不是  如果他有这能耐  早就回去阻止
from breaking up.  超级男孩的解散了
Oh, please. I'm glad they broke up.  拜托  我很庆幸他们解散了
Otherwise, Justin would never have brought sexy back.  不然成员贾斯丁就不会让"性感回归[作品]"了
One thing you can't get on an iPad,  有一种平板电脑没有的东西
the smell of ink and paper.  墨水和纸张的味道
One more reason iPads are better.  又多了一个平板电脑更好的理由
They reviewed my planetarium show.  他们评论了我的天文台节目
Yeah. It's on page three of the Arts and Leisure section.  就在艺术与休闲版的第三页
Oh, look, they still have Far Side.  看  居然还有刊登知名讽刺漫画《远端》
Oh, I don't get that one.  这个笑话我没懂
Oh, he's pushing when he should be pulling.  他应该是要拉而不是推
I don't think he belongs in that gifted school, then.  那我觉得他不应该去上那家天才学校
- What are you doing? - Making a boat.  -你在干嘛  -折纸船
When I was a kid, my dad showed me how.  我小时候我爸教我折的
Boy, you'll do anything to avoid reading.  天啊  为了逃避阅读  你真是花样百出
Guys, it's under "Things to do this weekend."  各位  是在"周末可做的活动"栏位里
I can't find it. What does it say?  我不到啊  写了什么
That it's a thing to do this weekend.  说值得周末去看一下
That's great, Raj. Congratulations.  很棒啊  拉杰  恭喜你啊
You know, while we're bragging,  趁着在互相显摆
The Journal of Prosthetic Medicine  《假体医学期刊》
just wrote up the project that Howard and I are working on.  报道了我跟霍华德一起合作的项目呢
Well, you didn't tell me that.  你没跟我说过啊
Oh, it just came out. It's just a little blurb.  才刚出啦  就一小段而已
Oh, well, good for you.  恭喜你啊
You know, Bert and I have started isolating zircons  我跟伯特也开始了从陨石中
from meteorites for our dark matter search.  孤立出皓石来进行暗物质的研究
Oh. Well, how nice.  很棒啊
Everyone's doing impressive work.  大家最近的工作都好棒棒啊
What have you been working on these days?  那你最近都在做些什么研究呢
Whoa, whoa. Where'd that come from?  哎哟喂  这一是从哪打来的
Where did what come from?  什么是哪里打来
I try to be supportive,  我尽量地支持大家
and you break out the hot lights and the rubber hose.  你却直接对我严刑逼供
I just asked what you've been working on.  我只是问了你最近在研究什么
Oh, my God, let it go.  要命了  别问了好吗
Do you believe this guy?  你看这人
I did it!  我成功啦
See? It' it's a boat.  看到没  是一艘船
nice是什么中文意思It's also a hat.  还是一顶帽子呢
Okay, how do you want to play this?  来吧  你想怎么来
Do you want to pretend like nothing's bothering you  是假装你没有任何烦心事
and blow up later, or do you just want to be  然后之后突然爆发  还是你干脆一点
a maniac right now?  现在就开始发疯
Nothing is bothering me.  我没有烦心事啊
Fine. Be that way.  行  那就这么着
If you want to talk, I'll be flushing my sinuses.  但如果你想聊  我就在旁边洗鼻子
Wait.  等等
I have a confession.  我有件事想坦白
When I berated Leonard,  当我怒斥莱纳德时
it was a clever ruse to conceal the fact  其实那是我巧妙地掩盖
that I'm not working on anything.  我最近屁事儿都没干的烟幕弹
Well, I think I speak for everyone  我觉得我的话能代表大家的心声
when I say, "No!"  那就是"真的假的"
The truth is I have nothing of interest to pursue.  其实我最近没有任何感兴趣的项目
Well, maybe this is the perfect opportunity  或许现在是个很棒的机会
to take some time for yourself and refocus.  来沉淀自己  重新到方向
I'm sure you'll find something you're excited about.  我相信你一定能到你感兴趣的研究方向
Thank you, Amy.  谢谢你  艾米
I don't know what I'd do without you.  没有你我真不知道该怎么办
Hey, can I stay here? Sheldon kicked me out.  我能待在这里吗  谢尔顿把我踢出来了
Well, is everything okay?  没事吧
Yeah. He just wants some alone time to work.  没事啦  他只是想独处做些工作
Fine. Make yourself at home.  那好  当自己家吧
Yeah. We were just about to watch a little TV.  对啊  我们正打算看点电视节目
You're welcome to join us.  欢迎你跟我们一起看啊
Thanks. I'll be right with you.  谢谢  我马上过来看
I just have to, uh, do my neti pot.  等我先洗一下鼻子就行
So what are you guys gonna watch?  你们打算看什么呢
Okay.  好了
Hey, uh, what do you think we should open our show with?  你觉得我们开场应该用哪首歌
Uh, "Thor and Doctor Jones"  "雷神索尔与博士琼斯"
or "Let's Get Astrophysical"?  还是"更太空物理[亲密]点吧"
I don't know. I think we should start with something  不知道了  我觉得开场应该用
that gets them up on their feet.  会让他们站起来的热血歌曲
Maybe "Sherlock Around the Clock."  或许"马不停蹄夏洛克"吧
Great, yeah. Uh, let's give it a try.  不错  有道理  来试试
Halley's napping! Keep it down!  哈雷在午睡  小声点
Oh. Right. Sorry.  好  对不起
It's cool. We don't need volume to rock.  没事  我们摇滚不靠大声
Instead of blowing the roof off this place,  不用把屋顶嗨到掀飞
we can gently lift it off  我们就温柔地举起屋顶
and set it quietly down in the backyard.  再轻轻将它放到后院