21. C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-I-N-O-P-L-E君士坦丁堡
Equipment: board, marker
Group: 10* participants
Duration: 6—8 minutes
Split the class into teams according to desk columns and for each team write the word CONSTANTINOPLE vertically on the board. Have the students stand up and when ready, the first student in line on each team races to the board and writes a word beginning with "C", then they return and the next student goes up to the board and writes a word beginning with "O". However, point out that they cannot repeat words they used for the first "O", "T" and "N". Each one must be different. Continue until students reach "E" at the end. The first team to sit down after finishing wins! You can get some great words from students and also award bonus points for longer words.
22. Couples Game配对游戏
Equipment: blindfolds optional
Group: 8* participants
Duration: 5—10 minutes
The game involves giving various names of well-known duos to pairs of students. Students are separated into two groups and sent to opposite ends of the classroom or preset area. The teacher then goes to each end and gives each camper half of the name of a famous duo: e.g. Batman, Laurel, Tom, Bonnie will be on one end,and Robin, Hardy, Jerry, and Clyde on the other. Then, the campers are all blindfolded or close their eyes and have to walk around calling out the name of their lost partner until they meet. Once they meet, they move to the side and watch until the remaining couples are all matched. (Important Note: Be sure that the英文游戏名称 area is free from obstacles and dangers before starting the game)
Variations: Animal noises make a fun change. Students walk/crawl as the animal would w
hile making its noise, hunting for the other same animal. It is also fun to combine this game with others: e.g. when partner is located, begin "One Minute Interviews"(see above).
进行该游戏时,一定要注意场地的宽敞和安全,同时,游戏组织者还需要控制场面,以免失控。为了强调语言学习和运用,最好能与其他游戏结合运用,如One Minute Interviews,从而使组员不仅满足于配对成功的乐趣,更有语言任务伴随其中。
23. Crystal Ball Prediction水晶球预测
Equipment: list of topics, paper, pens
Group: 10* participants
Duration: 6—8 minutes
This initial "getting-to-know" one another game loosens up your class with laughter and giggles.
Supply the students with a list of topics to ask each other about. For example: name, pets,
hobbies, favorite food. Pair them up. One student is absolutely silent as the other asks him/her questions ("Do you have any pets?") and that same student predicts what the answer is by writing it down.
After finishing asking all the questions, the interviewers take turns standing up and introducing their partners with their predictions as they are corrected by their new friend (which is the first time they are allowed to share the truth).
Now switch off the person being interviewed and the person predicting Create unexpected topics and relax with this activity's strange results.
古人凝视水晶球(crystal ball)即可预测未来,因此,本游戏与“猜测”有关。与其他介绍类游戏不同,在该游戏中,被采访者始终保持沉默,因此,有关他/她的情况都靠采访者的猜测。但到了向公众介绍的阶段,被采访者要随时纠正采访者的信息,以此检验后者的猜测准确度。为了提高猜测准确度,采访者可观察被采访者的表情。在进行该游戏时,教师可事先设定提问、介绍所需的常用句型。
24. Draw Your Name绘名字
Equipment: board, markers
Group: 4* participants
Duration: 4—6 minutes
One way to get your students to know your name may be this one,which they find challenging and funny. Draw on the board as many objects as the letters that make up your name. The name of each object should begin with one of the letters of your name. Then, ask your students to tell you the names of the objects you have drawn and you write them next to each object. Then, tell them to put the first letters of each object in the correct order so as to form your name. Finally, students may do the same work in pairs.
E.g. draw an ant, a mouse and a yo-yo. If you put them in the correct order, the first letter of the name of each object, you get name Amy.
25. Extension to Numbered or Alphabetized List单词伸缩游戏
Equipment: a set of pictures
Group: 5* participants
Duration: 2—3 minutes
One member from each team stands at the blackboard. When the teacher calls out the item, the team shouts the answer to the person at the front, who writes it. The written answer can be: a) the reference number, or letter of the item; b) any word beginning with the reference letter of the item, provided no team has used that word before; c) the word itself.