Conversation Two四级听力
A. They are describing a new dustbin.
B. They are discussing the protection ofenvironment.
C. They are collecting used batteries.
D. They are looking forward to attending a lecture.
A. To make full use of the metals left.
B. To protect the forest resources from being destroyed.
C. To call for stopping using plastic meal-boxes.
D. To awaken people to the environmental problem.
A. She will attend the lecture.
B. She will draw up a program.
C. She will join the "Green Movement".
D. She is not sure what she will do.
Conversation Two
M: Have you noticed the new dustbin downstairs, at the entrance of the main building?
W: Yeah, of course. It looks funny, though, like a battery. What's it for? Is it really for garbage?
M: Not really. Actually it's a dustbin for used batteries.
W: Used batteries? What do you mean by that? Why do we need a special dustbin for used batteries?
M: Well, you know there are still a lot of heavy metals left in used batteries, so by recycling the batteries, [23]we can not only make full use of the metals left, but also prevent the environment from being polluted.
W: Oh, I see. Can this work? Our efforts are too insignificant.
M: Even though we are not ecologists or biologists, there is still a lot we can do. [24]The St
udent Union is sponsoring a one-month program called "Green Movement", which is aimed at making more and more students aware of serious environmental problems we are facing now.
W: Sounds quite exciting-"Green Movement". What, for example, can I do?
M: Well, quite a lot. For one thing, you can stop using those plastic meal-boxes and disposable wooden chopsticks. Plastic meal-boxes do great harm to the environmentand disposable chopsticks are a big waste of forest resources. [25]Well, there will be a lecture tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. You may attend if you are interested.
W: [25] let yeah, I happen to be free. I will go there.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23. What are the two speakers doing?
24. What is the purpose of the "Green Movement"?
25. What will the woman do tomorrow afternoon?
Now you'll hear the two long conversations.
Conversation One
A. To inquire about switching majors.
B. To find a helping supervisor.
C. To make up the remaining credits.
D. To apply for a master's degree.
A. A literature professor.
B. An academic advisor.
C. Dean of the English Department.
D. A Doctor of Economics.
A. He can't catch up with his classmates.
B. He finds the English course load too heavy.
C. He is not interested in his present major.
D. He is good at Applied Linguistics.
A. In only one semester.
B. In just two semesters.
C. In at most three semesters.
D. In at least four semesters.
Now you'll hear the two long conversations.
Conversation One
M: Good morning, Dr. Smith. My name is Peter. I am a freshman in your department. There are a few things that I am not quite sure of and I do need your advice.
W: Thank you very much for your trust, Peter. [20]As your academic advisor I will try my be
st. Just tell me how I can help you, Peter.
M: [19]I used to major in English, but now I have made up my mind to switch to Applied Linguistics, concentrating on Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It will probably take me two years to get my master's degree since I also work part time.
W: So you want to switch majors?
M: Yes. But I have been wondering if it is possible.
W: Well, usually we allow it, as long as you have enough credits.
M: That's good news for me. [21]I'm not interested in literature and that sort of thing. I want to be a real teacher, Professor. Actually, teaching is what appeals to me, but I'm worried about the make-up credits. I have been taking a lot of courses in English.
W: You usually do have to make up some credits when you switch majors. Are you OK on credits?
M: Not too many. I'll have to add about 12 credits as far as I can figure from my transcript. Would you please let me know how many credits are required to get a master's degree?