    As I look at the picture, I can see a parking lot with several cars parked in it. There is a sign at the entrance of the parking lot that says "Parking Fee: $5 per hour." This means that anyone who wants to park their car in this lot will need to pay $5 for every hour they stay.
停车费    I think this is a reasonable fee for parking. Many parking lots charge even higher rates, especially in busy areas or during peak hours. For example, in the city center, it is common to see parking fees of $10 or more per hour. Therefore, $5 per hour seems quite reasonable in comparison.
    Furthermore, the parking lot seems to be well-maintained and clean. This is important because nobody wants to park their car in a dirty or unsafe environment. The picture shows that the parking lot is well-lit and has clear markings for parking spaces. This ensures that drivers can easily find a spot and park their cars without any confusion.
    In addition, I notice that there are parking attendants present in the picture. This is a good thing because it means that there is someone to assist drivers and ensure that the parking rules are followed. The attendants can also help with any issues or emergencies that may arise in the parking lot. This adds a sense of security and convenience for the drivers.
    Overall, based on the picture, I believe that this parking lot offers a fair fee for parking and provides a safe and well-maintained environment for drivers. It is important for parking lots to strike a balance between affordability and quality, and this parking lot seems to achieve that.