A Place I Would Like To Visit
beckhamThere are so many beautiful places in this world, but my favorite place is Dubai.
Well, Dubai is a great city, it has the word’s largest indoor ski resort and the world’s tallest building. There are also many luxury hotels located here, and here is a shopping paradise. Dubai’s indoor ski resort attracts visitors from all over the world, these visitors really have fun every year. The world’s tallest building Burj Dubai, where is also loved by visitors is 828 meters high ,so visitors can stand at the top to see distant scenery.
Dubai’s hotel is a luxury, the most famous hotel is Burj Al Arab,it may be the world’s most luxurious hotel .The price is very expensive if you stay in Burj Al Arab for one night, but the service is very attentive .
Dubai has always been a huge shopping paradise .Many celebrities have chose to come here for shopping, such as David Beckham’s wife Victoria .So many beautiful girls come here to pick clothes.
I really love Dubai , it is the place where I really want to go . In my eyes it is not only a place ,it is a paradise.
(国际商学院2012级 11班 于弘阳)