Test 20
Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次):
A. in fact  B. curious  C. Therefore  D. feel like  E. equally
In 1862, the great writer Victor Hugo was on vacation when Les Miserables(悲惨世界)was first published. He was very ___1___ to know how his novel was selling, so he decides to send a telegram to his publisher. Maybe he didn’t want to spend much money on the telegram or maybe he just didn’t ___2___ writing a long letter. In any case, Mr Hugo wished to be brief. So he sent out a telegram that could not have been any shorter. The telegram consisted of a single character:”?”
In fact, Les Miserables was doing exceptionally well. The people of Paris loved it, and the ent
ire first printing had already been sold out. ___3___, in response to Hugo’s brief telegram, his publisher sent back an ___4___ brief message:”!”
And that is the story of the world’s shortest two-way communication.
A. time  B. experience  C. put into  D. unloved  E. everything
Older people in some countries are not really appreciated(重视) by their families. Too often, their children and grandchildren do not have time to pay adequate attention to them. Many times, the older members of a family are ___1___ a nursing home instead of being taken care of by the family. This practice of not valuing the older generation , of sometimes even ignoring them, is a disgrace(耻辱). We should do ___2___ in our power to change this phenomenon in our society, because ignoring the older members of our families makes them feel unwanted and ___3___. Also, older people have great knowledge and ___4___ so they can contribute to their families and to society.
Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):
Is there a famous person whom you really admire(钦佩)? Wouldn’t you love to have his or her autograph(手迹)? You would never throw that person’s autograph away. Many people feel the same way as you. However, some people collect autographs even from people they don’t admire. They just want autographs from any famous person. They don’t collect these autographs to keep them. They collect the autographs to sell them.
  Collecting autographs has become a business. In fact, there are more than 20,000 people who collect autographs. These people are willing to pay a lot of money for an autograph. Therefore, autograph hounds now hang around(……闲逛beckham) sports centers, concerts arenas, and modern restaurants. These people try to get autographs they can sell. They can sometimes make as much as $1,500 for one autograph. In fact, one very successful autograph hound earns(赚钱) about $100,000 a year. There are also companies that buy and sell autographs. One company, Profiles in History, says it has the largest collection of actors’ or actresses’ autographs in the world. The company earns more than $12 million a y
ear! One autograph may cost under $100. Other autographs can cost several thousand dollars.
The price of an autograph doesn’t depend on how famous the person is. It depends on how rare(稀少) the autograph is. For example, famous people like Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon sign a lot of autographs. Therefore, their autographs are not rare and are not worth() very much money. On the other hand, Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow rarely sign anything. This makes their autographs more rare and more valuable(珍贵的). Queen Elizabeth II almost never signs autographs. Therefore, something with her signature(签名) on it might sell for around $3,500. It doesn’t matter if the person is dead. Elvis Presley and Napoleon signed many things. Their signatures are only worth $1,500. However, signed letters from Marilyn Monroe are very rare. They can cost $50,000 each. The highest price ever paid for an autograph was $750,000. This was for a letter written by Abraham Lincoln.
1. There are over _________ people who collect autographs throughout the world.
    A.100,000              B.50,000                C.20,000                D.750,000
2. Profiles in History is _________.
        A.a local autograph museum                    B.a very modern restaurant
        C.a business that sells autographs    D.the most expensive autograph
3. The price of an autograph mostly depends on _________.
        A.when the person wrote the signature            B.whether the person is alive or dead
    C.how many people admire the person            D.how hard it is to find the autograph
4. From the passage we can know that _________ signature is worth the most.
        A.Queen Elizabeth II’s                          B.Matt Damon’s
        C.Marilyn Monroe’s                            D.Abraham Lincoln’s
5. We can learn from the passage that an “autograph hound” is someone who_________.