

a letter of invitation

英语作文范文:邀请信    a letter of invitation
the spring festival is coming shortly. you intend to invite your
foreign friend to come to china and spend the traditional
chinese festival together. write a letter to him/her:
1 express your warm invitation to him/her    ,  2introduce
the spring festival    and
3 mention the places you will accompany him/her to visit.
dear beckham   
first of all    please allow me to express my heartfelt invitation
to you. since the spring festival is coming shortly    i sincerely
invite you to come to china and spend the holiday with me.
spring festival is of much importance to chinese people. it has
a long history and chinese have attached much importance to
the holiday. to be exact    the spring festival has been the
most significant holiday. the spring festival is to chinese what
christmas is to the westerners. if you come    i am going to
accompany you to fairgrounds    (庙会),    where you can have
a close look at

some of the chinese traditions. i am looking forward to your reply. sincerely yours
li min
【篇二:我的    英语作文 邀请信】
7, 邀请信