Chapter 2  Application Layer
In a client-server paradigm, a _______ program provides services to a (another) _______ program.
A)    client; client
B)    client; server
C)    server; client
D)    server; server
In a client-server paradigm
A)    both the server and the client must be running all the time.
B)    both the server and the client need to be running only when they are needed.
C)    the server must be running all the time but the client needs to be running only when it is needed.
D)    the client must be running all the time but the server needs to be running only when it is needed
The first section of a URL identifier is the __________.
A)    protocol
B)    path
C)    host
D)    port
A _______ document is a fixed-content document that is created and stored in a server. The client can get a copy of the document only.
A)    static
B)    dynamic
C)    active
D)    None of the choices are correct
_____________ is a language for creating a static document.
A)    Extensible Style Language (XSL)
B)    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
C)    Extensible Markup Language (XML)
D)    All choices are correct
A _______ document is created by a Web server whenever a browser requests the document.
A)    static
B)    dynamic
C)    active
D)    None of the choices are correct
For many applications, we need a program or a script to be run at the client site. These are
called _______________ documents.
A)    static
B)    dynamic
C)    active
D)    None of the choices are correct
HTTP uses the services of _________.
A)    UDP
B)    IP
C)    TCP
D)    DNS
In HTTP, the first line in a request message is called a _______ line; the first line in the response message is called the ________ line.
A)    request; response
B)    status; response
C)    status; status
D)    None of the choices are correct
In a ___________ connection, one TCP connection is made for each request/response.
A)    persistent
B)    nonpersistent
C)    persistent or a nonpersistent
D)    None of the choices are correct
In a ___________ connection, the server leaves the connection open for more requests after sending a response.
A)    persistent
B)    nonpersistent
C)    persistent or nonpersistent
D)    None of the choices are correct
In HTTP, _______ server is a computer that keeps copies of responses to recent requests.
A)    a regular
B)    a proxy
C)    an auxiliary
D)    a remote
An HTTP request message always contains _______.
A)    a header line and a body
B)    a request line and a header line
C)    a request line, a header line, and a body
D)    a request line, a header line, a blank line, and a body
Which of the following is present in both an HTTP request line and a status line?
A)    version number
B)    URL
C)    status code
D)    method
FTP uses the services of ________.
A)    UDP
B)    IP
C)    TCP
D)    none of the choices are correct
In FTP, _________ well-known port(s) is (are) used.
A)    one
B)    two
C)    three
D)    four
During an FTP session the control connection is opened _______.
A)    once
B)    twice
C)    many times
D)    none of the choices are correct
During an FTP session the data connection may be opened _______.
A)    only once
B)    only two times
C)    as many times as needed
D)    none of the choices are correct
In FTP, a file can be organized into records, pages, or a stream of bytes. These are types of an attribute called _______.
A)    file types
B)    data structures
C)    transmission modes
D)    none of the choices are correct
In FTP, there are three types of _______: stream, block, and compressed.
A)    file types
B)    data types
C)    transmission modes
D)    none of the choices are correct
In FTP, ASCII, EBCDIC, and image define an attribute called _______.
A)    file type
B)    data structure
C)    transmission mode
D)    none of the choices are correct
In FTP, when we _______, it is copied from the client to the server.
A)    retrieve a file
B)    store a file
C)    open a file
D)    none of the choices are correct
In the common scenario, the electronic mail system needs _________________________.
A)    two UAs, two MTAs and one MAA
B)    two UAs, two MTAs and two MAAs
C)    two UAs, two pairs of MTAs and a pair of MAAs
D)    two UAs, two pairs of MTAs and a two pairs of MAAs
________ provides service to the user to make the process of sending or receiving a message easier.
A)    An MTA
B)    An MAA
C)    A UA
D)    None of the choices are correct
An e-mail message contains the ________ and the __________.
A)    header; envelop