05 社会名人
My favorite idol
看题目是全命题作文,重点阐述why he 1 she is your favorite idol.
My favorite idol应该是夹叙夹议的文章,因为作者写的idol对读者来讲可能不熟悉,所以可以对idol有些外貌描写,让读着有一个形象上的认识。接着,可以写这个idol身上特有的些品质,值得作者学习的地方,突出favorite.
have influence on对....有影响力
take a great interest in.对....产生浓厚兴趣
catch the eye of sb.引起某人注意
keep up with跟上
a household name一个家喻 户晓的名字
speak highly of ...高度评价......
one-hit wonder县花一现的歌手、演员等
show off炫耀
gain popularity受到欢迎
role model榜样
be credited to归功于
deserve to be ...当之无愧.....
1.be undoubtedly an idol for ..毫无疑问是 ....的偶像
e.g. The handsome pop star is undoubtedly an idol for teens around he world.
2. balance the acting life with her personal  life平衡好演艺生活和个人生活
e.g. She chooses her roles carefully and works hard to balance her acting life with her personal life.
3. have a passion for ..对..生强烈的兴趣
e.g. Born into such a musical family, G.E.M had a passion for music when she was a little girl.
4.be due to .... 归因于.....
e.g. Kim Soo Hyun's success is due to his serious attitude towards acting.
5.He is famous because ....他出名是因为.....
e.g. He is famous because he has got talent for playing basketball
6.He is famous not only for ... but also for ...他出名不仅是因....更是因为....
e.g. He is famous not only for his amazing height, but also for his perfect sills in basketball.
7.Her contribution to society is ...她对社会的贡献.....
e.g. Her contribution to society is showing Chinese culture to the world.
8.be fascinated by ... .....着迷
e.g. In his childhood, he was fascinated by Bruce Lee, much like other children at his age.
My favorite idol
My favourite idol is Ninomiya Kazunari - the member of ARASHI.He has good skin as if he were just 23 years old, but in fact, he is 33 now.He①is good at writing and singing, as well as dancing: He has won the award
of the Japanese Academy and he is also interested in doing magic tricks. Sometimes he is quiet as an adult and sometimes he is smiling like a child. He is an attractive man and I like him very much.
注:①be good at擅长于,
as well as也
点评:小作者写她的偶像二宫和也,涉及面比较广:年龄、特长、奖项、爱好,读起来文章比较流畅,但句式简单,如果把简单句变成复合句会更好。比如原文中He is good at writing a
nd singing, as well as dancing.可以用 so . that 结构,改成He is so talented that he is good at writing and singing, as well as dancing.表明他是一个很有天赋的歌手。
My favorite idol
The public tends to think that Miley Cyrus has a bad influence on teenagers because of all those crazy things she has done after leaving the former Disney star title behind.
Regardless of what others think, Miley Cyrus is my favorite idol.Aside from the fact that she has a hoarse voice which can be easily distinguished, I like her as a person. Unlike most Hollywood stars,she is bold, and most importantly, she is true to herself. She sings the songs she wants to sing, even though the theme relates to controversial issues. She does charity, helping many kids either psychologically or financially. Getting rid of her former identity as Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus has finally grown up and become a celebrity who has impact on the society, and this makes her my favorite idol.
1.regardless of 不管不顾
2.Aside from the fact that she has a hoarse voice which can be easily distinguished, I like her as a person.定语从句
3.get rid of 摒弃
4.Getting rid of her former identity as Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus has finally grown up and  become a celebrity who has impact on the society, and this makes her my favorite idol.定语从句
小作者写这篇名人文章的视角比较独特:没有按一般思 路从这位当红歌星的作品及获得的奖项出发,而是另辟蹊径,将Miley Cyrus和其他明星的不同处写了出来: She isbold, and most importantly, she is true to herself.除此之外,她还有更加高贵的品质: Shedoes charity, helpi
ng many kids either psychologically or financially.这样,这位歌星为何是作者最喜爱的,就-目 了然了。作者词汇、句型运用流畅得体,可见语言功底很好。
Lin Dan A Super Sports Star
Lin Dan, whose nickname is Super Dan, is a famous badminton player of China. Lin Dan has an outstanding performance in the badminton history. At the age of 27, he won all the major titles in the badminton word. No one in the word has done better than him.
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