1.驾驶员需在到达年检站后,排队等候进行年检。Drivers need to queue up and wait for the inspection at the inspection station.
2.年检标需要提前预约或在年检站当场领取。The annual inspection sticker needs to be reserved in advance or obtained on the spot at the inspection station.
3.领取年检标时,驾驶员需要出示车辆所有人的身份证明和车辆登记证。When picking up the annual inspection sticker, drivers need to present the owner's ID and vehicle registration certificate.
4.工作人员会对车辆进行外观检查和排放测试。The staff will conduct a visual inspection and emission test of the vehicle.
5.如果车辆通过了年检,驾驶员可以领取年检标。If the vehicle passes the inspection, the driver can receive the annual inspection sticker.
6.领取年检标后,驾驶员需要将年检标粘贴在车辆前挡风玻璃的右下角。After receiving the annual inspection sticker, the driver needs to affix it to the lower right corner of the front windshield.
外地车上海年检7.如果车辆未能通过年检,驾驶员需将车辆修理后再次进行检查。If the vehicle fails the inspection, the driver needs to repair the vehicle and have it re-inspected.
8.没有领取年检标的车辆将会受到处罚。Vehicles without the annual inspection sticker will be subject to penalties.
9.年检标领取流程通常只需几分钟时间。The process of obtaining the annual inspection sticker usually only takes a few minutes.
10.领取年检标时,务必检查年检标上的信息是否准确无误。When picking up the annual inspection sticker, be sure to check if the information on the sticker is correct.
11.在携带相关证明文件的情况下,也可代表车主进行年检标领取。In the case of carrying relevant documents, it is also possible to obtain the annual inspection sticker on behalf of t
he vehicle owner.
12.如果领取年检标时有任何疑问,可以向相关工作人员咨询。If there are any questions when picking up the annual inspection sticker, you can consult the relevant staff.
13.领取年检标后,务必保存好相关凭证以备查询。After receiving the annual inspection sticker, be sure to keep the relevant documents for future reference.
14.每年的年检标领取都需要重新进行,无法延期使用去年的年检标。The annual inspection sticker needs to be reacquired every year and cannot be used from the previous year.
15.领取年检标时需缴纳相关费用,费用标准视当地规定而定。When picking up the annual inspection sticker, the relevant fees need to be paid, and the fee standards vary depending on local regulations.
16.年检标的有效期通常为一年,需在有效期内进行更新。The annual inspection sticker is usually valid for one year and needs to be renewed within the validity period.
17.领取年检标时,务必核实车辆已具备通过年检的条件。When picking up the annual inspection sticker, be sure to verify that the vehicle meets the conditions for passing the inspection.
18.驾驶员在领取年检标期间应配合工作人员进行各项检查。Drivers should cooperate with the staff for various inspections when obtaining the annual inspection sticker.
19.年检标领取的时间一般为工作日的上午和下午,部分年检站也提供周末服务。The time for picking up the annual inspection sticker is usually in the morning and afternoon on workdays, and some inspection stations also provide weekend services.