小学英语三年级(下)期末试卷2019.6 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍  共8分) (    ) 1. A. the              B. this            C .that  (    ) 2. A. father            B. friend          C. farm (    ) 3. A. seven            B. eleven          C. six (    ) 4. A. sorry            B. seven          C. sleep (    ) 5. A. name            B. nine          C. nice (    ) 6. A. lunch            B. listen          C. library (    ) 7. A. It’s not here.      B. It’s over there.  C. It’s here. (    ) 8. A. Hurry up.        B. Stand up.      C. Wake up. 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,相符用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。(听两遍  共5分)      1.(    )    2.(    )    3. (  )      4. (  )        5. (  ) 三、听录音,选择合适的答语。(听两遍  共8分)    (    ) 1.A.Yes, they are.    B. No, it isn’t.    C. It’s a toy car. (    ) 2.A.OK.            B. Thank you.    C. All right. (    ) 3.A.She’s my mother.  B. She’s 10.      C. He’s my grandpa. (    ) 4.A.Yes, this is.      B. Yes, it is.      C. Yes, I am. (    ) 5.A.It’s green .        B. It’s over there.  C. It’s a lunch box. (    ) 6. A. They are pigs.    B. It's a pig.      C. These are pigs. (    ) 7. A. It's five o'clock.  B. It's time for bed.  C. It's  nice. (    ) 8. A. It ’s six.        B. I'm five.        C. I ’m Helen. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍  每空1分,共9分) 1. I can see________ oranges on the tree. 2. ------What are ________? ------They’re________. 3. ------________ is the __________? ------________ is Yang Ling. 4. ------Where is the _________?------It’s _______ the ______. 笔试部分(70分) 学校 (
_ …
1. ------What ________ these? ------ They're cows. (是)
2. Are these ________? Yes, they are. ( 苹果)
3. Please ________ the door. (关)
4. Don't ________ in the classroom, Taotao. (喊,叫)
5. This is ________ you, Bobby. (给)
6. The bird is ________ the tree now. (在...上面)
7. How _______! (可爱)
8. ------Is that your book? ------No, it ________.(不是)
( ) 1.What time is it?    A. Yes, please.
( ) 2.Where’s my ball?    B. Yes, it is.
( ) 3.Would you like some milk?    C.OK. Good night, Mum. ( ) 4.It’s time for bed.    D. She’s ten.
( ) 5.Are these pears?    E. My name is Nancy.
( ) 6.Who is that man?    F. It’s under the bed.
( ) 7.How old is Su Hai? G. It’s nine o’clock.
( ) 8.Is that your crayon? H. H e’s Mr. Green.
( ) 9.What’s your name? I. Yes, they are.
三、选择题,将正确答案写到题前括号内。(共10分)( ) 1. ------Who's that boy? ------______________.
A. She's Liu Tao.
B. He's Liu Tao.
C. It's Liu Tao.
( ) 2.Are these _______ pencil cases?
B. your
C. he's
( ) 3.------_______ my mum? ------ She's in the bedroom.
A. What's
B. How is
C. Where's
( ) 4. Don’t stand ____the desk, Nancy.
B. on
C. under
( ) 5.Don’t drink my______.
A. hot dog
B. milk
C. cake
( ) 6. It’s time _______ school.
B. at
C. to
( ) 7.------_________ birds? ------No, they _______.
A.These are; aren’t
B. Are these; aren’t
C.Is that; isn’t ( ) 8. He’s_______ David. He’s_______ brother.
A.不填; my
B. my; 不填
C. a; my
( ) 9.________ a nice cake!
B. What
C. Where
( ) 10.This is ______ book. It’s______ English book.
A.a; a
B. a; an
C. an; a
2.are, How, old, you (?)
3.Are, ducks, too, these (?)
4.is, This, my, not, pen (.)
<, listen, the, Do, parrot, to (.)
( ) 1.They are chicken. __________
A    B    C
( ) 2.It’s six o’clock. It’s time to dinner. ___________
A    B    C
( ) 3.Not drink my milk, OK? ___________
A    B    C
( ) 4.Look the blackboard, boys and girls. __________
A    B    C
( ) 5. Wake up,it's time for class. __________
A    B    C
( ) 1.天气很冷,你可以对同学说:
( ) 2.看到一只漂亮的小鸟,你可以夸赞说:
( ) 3.同学吹生日蜡烛前,你会对他说:
( ) 4.看电影时,有两人一直在说话,你可以说:
( ) 5.小朋友们玩游戏输掉时,你可以说:
( ) 6.建议别人吃块糖,你说:
A.Hi, Liu Tao. Happy Birthday!
B.This is for you.
C.It’s a toy car.
D.Do you like the colour?
E.Hi, Peter.三年级英语期末试卷
F.Let me see. Oh, yes, I like the blue car. Thanks.
G.Thank you. Welcome to my home. Come in, please.
H.What is it?
It is________ o’clock in the afternoon. Su Hai and Yang Ling are in the_________.
Su Hai:________ you like a hot dog?
Yang Ling: ________,thank you.
Yang Ling: Don’t ______ here, please.
Su Hai: I’m ________.
I am Peter. I’m ele ven. I wake up at 7:00. I have breakfast at 7:30. At 8:00, I go to school. In the morning, I have three lessons. (课) They’re Chinese(语文), Maths(数学)and English. I like English very much.(非常)It’s fun.(有趣)I have two lessons in the afternoon. After class, (课后) I play games(玩游戏)with my friend Ann. We are happy. I have dinner at 6:00. At 9:10, I go to bed.
( ) 1. Peter is seven.
( ) 2. Peter wakes up at eight o’clock.
( ) 3. Peter has (有) five lessons in a day.
( ) 4. Ann is Peter's friend.