1. 选择正确的答案。
- My name is Tom. I am __ years old.
- A. 8      B. 10      C. 12
- Answer: A
- What color is the sky?
- A. Blue      B. Green      C. Red
- Answer: A
- How many legs does a dog have?
- A. 2      B. 4      C. 6三年级英语下册期末试卷
- Answer: B
- What is your favorite fruit?
- A. Apple      B. Banana      C. Orange
- Answer: C
- Do you like playing soccer?
- A. Yes      B. No      C. Maybe
- Answer: A
2. 选择正确的句子补全对话。
A: ____________?
B: I am fine, thank you.
- A. How are you
- B. What is your name
- C. Where are you from
- Answer: A
A: ____________?
B: I am from China.
- A. What is your name
- B. Where are you from
- C. How old are you
- Answer: B
A: ____________?
B: My favorite food is pizza.
- A. What color is it
- B. What is your favorite food
- C. Where is the bookstore
- Answer: B
A: ____________?
B: It is Monday.
- A. What day is it today
- B. Where do you live
- C. When is your birthday
- Answer: A
A: ____________?
B: Yes, I can swim.
- A. Can you swim
- B. What is your hobby
- C. Do you like soccer
- Answer: A
Once upon a time, there was a __ (1) girl named Amy. She lived in a small __ (2) near a beautiful forest. One day, while __ (3) in the forest, Amy found a magic __ (4). When she ru
bbed the lamp, a __ (5) genie appeared.
The genie said, "I will grant you three __ (6), Amy. What would you like?"
Amy thought for a moment and said, "I want to be a __ (7) dancer."
The genie waved his hand and suddenly Amy became the most amazing dancer in the world.
After a few years, Amy got bored with dancing. She wanted to be a __ (8) now. So, she asked the genie to make her a famous singer. Again, the genie granted her wish and Amy became a __ (9) singer.