(    ) 1. A. pet                B. big                  C. bird
(    ) 2. A. then           B. they                C. we
(    ) 3. A. beside            B. tree                  C. behind
(    ) 4. A. can              B. may                C. blue
(    ) 5. A. tall              B. small                C. gate
(    ) 6. A. Sally              B. Japan              C. British
(    ) 7. A. plane              B. bike                C. toy
(    ) 8. A. where            B. there                C. what
(    ) 9. A. want              B. how                C. go
(    ) 10. A. duck            B. farm                C. mice
Part I:
A. Is that your family tree                    (    ) 1. Yes, she is.
B. Is that old woman your grandmother        (    ) 2. No, it’s Jane’s family tree.
C. Is the man with a hat your father            (    ) 3. Yes, there are.
D. Who are those two children                (    ) 4. They’re trees.
E. What are these                          (    ) 5. They’re Mary and Tom.
F. Is there a big toy car in the box              (    ) 6. There are three.
G. Are there two triangles                    (    ) 7. No, there isn’t.
H. How many trees are there                  (    ) 8. No, he is my uncle.
Part II:
A. Is that boy your brother                    (    ) 1. He’s Linda’s husband.
B. Is your mother tall                        (    ) 2. She’s my aunt.
C. Do you have any fish                      (    ) 3. No, she isn’t.
D. Who is that man                          (    ) 4. Yes, he is.
E. What’s this                              (    ) 5. Yes, I do.
F. Who’s that lady with short hair              (    ) 6. It’s a turtle.
1. The boy _______ (are / is) Liu Xiang.
2. The girl’s mother __________ (is / are) beautiful.
3. Look _______ ( at / on) the boy.
4. Is _______ (he / she) Sam’s sister
5. ________ (Who’s / What’s) that girl ________ (She’s / He’s) my sister
6. ________ (Is / Are) they tall Yes, they _______ (aren’t / are).
7. ______ (She / Her) hair is short and black.
8. Jack and Lily ______ (is / are) brother and sister.
9. Look at _______ (I / my) family tree.
10. Who’s the woman ______ (with / in) white hair?
11. Uncle Jack is a tall ________ (man / boy).
12. I ________ (have / has) two uncles.
13. The bull ________ (have / has) two big horns(角).
14. Uncle Tim has ______ (some / any) sheep.
15. Do you ________ (have / has) any brothers?
16. _______ (Who / What) are they They’re my brother and sister.
17. My bedroom(房间) _______ (have / has) a big window(窗户).
18. There aren’t ______ (any / some) juice in the fridge.
19. Are there _______ (any / some) juice in the fridge?
20. ______ (Are / Do) you have a farm?
21. Those are some _______ (sheep / sheeps).
22. Put the wardrobe(衣柜) in the corner. ________ (Thank you. / All right.)
I’m Jack. This is a picture of my family. Look!
1. The boy is me. The girl is my ______________
2. That man is old. He’s my __________.
3. That woman is old, too. She’s my ______________.
4. The lady is my ___________. She’s ____________.
5. That man is my ____________. He is ______________.
A: Who’s that girl ________ long hair?
B: ________ my friend.
A: What’s her ________
B: Rose.
A: ________ she from?B: She’s ________ Australia(澳大利亚).
1. cat________    2. people_________  3. sheep_______  4. monkey ________ 5. mouse________
6. fish________    7. that_________    8. this_______    9. box ________  10. bus__________
11. child________  12. bird_____  13. chicken _______  14. man_______ 15. woman__________
Part I:
A. Do you have tape recorder(录音机)          (    ) 1. Yes, it is.
B. Who is Jack                                    (    ) 2. Yes, I do.
C. Where are you from                            (    ) ’s in that corner.
D. Is your school bag                            (    ) 4. He’s my uncle.
E. Where is the box                            (    ) 5. I’m from China.
Part II:
A. Thank you!                                    (    ) 1. Thank you!
B. What’s that                                (    ) 2. It’s a bull.
C. Here is your banana.                            (    ) 3. You’re welcome.
D. Where are the birds                            (    ) 4. She is my cousin.
E. Who is the pretty girl                            (    ) 5. They’re in the tree.