雅安地震英语作文:我们为雅安义卖筹款Today is April 23rd, is world reading day, today, we in Beijing primary school in Tongzhou, all the teachers and students and parents to carry out campaign for Ya”an to raise 15000 yuan, my blood is boiling, my heart was touched, and our hands and Ya”an just pull together. I secretly cheer for Ya”an, Ya”an hold on!    Our school consists of classes for sale, sale items are our school pupils brought from home small accessories, stationery, books, etc..嘴上起水泡怎么办
Afternoon, bazaar began, students and parents to buy things for
a supply of sth., there is no sound, just like the price is bought, some more than the price for some money. The scene was bustling, but we are mindful of Ya”an, is in Ya”an to contribute their strength.      My mother today is so great, I was my mother was moved to tears, mother with a small box I improvise a donation box, called on everyone to offer the compassion donation, my mother despite the sound hoarse, smiling donation, a moment, my mother raised 270 yuan, plus class donated money, our class to raise money for Ya”an 728.1 yuan, although money is not much, but this is our school students演员孙海英
谪岭南道中作love, care to Ya”an.
The Ya”an post office for fundraising, uncles and aunts came to our school, our money directly through the post office to send to the disaster area, to the disaster areas to help kids.
Through the collection I deeply feel, our motherland is a big family, one party is difficult to help comes from all quarters. I love my motherland, I love my mother.