Informative speeches are a common speech-type in English to Chinese consecutive interpreting. Unlike persuasive speeches, the informative speech serves to inform the audience of a fact that they don’t know or don’t know much about, instead of trying to convert the audience to the speaker’s point of view. I
nformative speeches, therefore, are typically delivered in an objective manner, at a moderate pace and in a formal register. Accordingly, interpreters of informative speeches must guarantee the fidelity of the message, pay meticulous attention to style and register, and render the speech at a moderate pace equivalent to that of the speaker. This thesis uses a case study of a Covid-19 and Refugees mock conference as an example to identify the common pitfalls in interpreting informative speeches consecutively from English to Chinese and how interpreters should practice to avoid such mistakes.
Firstly, the thesis points out the features of an informative speech and gives a definition of it. It then categorizes the common mistakes in interpreting informative speeches as infidelity in the message, unnecessary fast paces and inappropriate register. The author later gives her revised version of interpretation of the examples. The thesis concludes by proffering advice on training interpreters for informative speeches, which among others includes enriching the vocabulary in her mother tongue, practicing sight translation and speaking making, and altering the style based on the occasion.
Key words: English-Chinese consecutive interpreting; informative speech; register
致谢 (Ⅰ)
摘要 (Ⅱ)
引言 (1)
第一章说明性演讲的定义与翻译要点 (2)
第一节说明性演讲与劝说性演讲 (2)
第二节说明性演讲的翻译要点 (3)
一、语言朴实,重在客观 (3)
二、语速平缓,娓娓道来 (3)
三、语域偏高,风格正式 (4)
第二章说明性演讲英汉交传案例分析 (5)
第一节案例介绍 (5)
第二节翻译失误类型 (5)
一、添油加醋,主观误译 (5)
二、追求速度,慌不择言 (9)
三、选词失误,语域不当 (13)
第三章说明性演讲交传失误原因分析与改进策略 (16)
第一节案例中说明性演讲翻译失误原因 (16)
一、中文表达积累不够 (16)
二、口译心态过于浮躁 (16)
第二节如何提高说明性演讲英汉交传质量 (17)
一、加强中文输入 (17)
二、视译演讲练习 (18)
三、调整翻译风格 (18)
结语 (20)
参考文献 (21)
附录一源语转写稿 (22)
附录二译语转写稿 (30)
英汉交替传译中常遇到两类演讲:劝说性演讲(persuasive speech)与说明性演讲(informative speech)。前者一般个人立场鲜明,重在说理证明,以宣传思想为主要目的;后者一般无明显个人立场,重在列举事实,以传播信息为主要目的。相形之下,说明性演讲事实性内容较多,风格一般较为严肃正式,而且由于其主要目的是传播信息给听众,确保内容准确是翻译该类演讲的第一要义。演讲译员必须确保译语从用词到句式到风格精准到位,否则一旦过度发挥,容易出现错译漏译、逻辑不清、语域不当等问题。同时翻译说明性演讲,如果译员盲目追求速度,若语言功底不够扎实,就较容易因心理因素翻得被动吃力,乃至频频出现语法错误,极大影响听众观感。