English: To avoid electric car fires, it is important to follow proper charging procedures. This includes using the correct charger for the specific make and model of the electric car, as well as avoiding overcharging the battery. It is essential to regularly inspect the charging equipment for any signs of wear or damage and to replace it if necessary. Furthermore, electric car owners should also be mindful of the storage and usage of the car. It is crucial to store the electric car in a well-ventilated area and avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures. Additionally, practicing safe driving habits and avoiding collisions or accidents can also help prevent fires in electric cars. Regular maintenance and servicing of the electric car's components can also help detect any potential issues before they escalate into a fire hazard.
中文翻译: 为了避免电动车发生火灾,遵循正确的充电程序至关重要。这包括使用特定电动车品牌和型号的正确充电器,并避免过度充电电池。定期检查充电设备是否有磨损或损坏的迹象,并在必要时进行更换至关重要。此外,电动车车主还应注意车辆的存储和使用。将电动车存放在通风良好的地方,并避免暴露于极端温度是至关重要的。此外,遵守安全驾驶习惯,避