Unit1  When was he born? 清单
序号:1--7 清单  主备:        审核:
1.出生      be born        2.一个冰盒      a box of ice  3.画画        paint pictures
4.音乐天才  musical talent  5.音乐爱好者  music lover  6.遇到麻烦    get in trouble
7.处于困境    be in trouble    8.期待做某事  expect to do  9.手头,在手边  at hand
10.坚持做某事  keep on doing  11.破裂,解散  break up    12.因为        because of
13.参军      join the army  14.被改编成电影  be made into a film
15.表演京剧    perform Beijing Opera  16.一名巴西运动员    a Brazilian player
17.在地上      on the ground  18.身体不好  have bad health
19.病得很严重  become seriously ill  20.赢得一次滑冰比赛    win a skating competition
21.钢琴诗人    the poet of the piano  22.触及听者的内心  touch the hearts of the listeners
23.一位和蔼可亲的奶奶  a kind and loving grandmother
24.想方设法做某事  try every means to do    25.和某人一起度过/消磨…  spend…with sb.
26.为国家队效力    play for a national team    27.辍学  drop out of school
28.出生于一个农民家庭  be born into a farmer’s family
29.有天赋表演的人们    people with great talents 
30.做了某事羡慕某人admire sb. for doing sth.
31.获得诺贝尔文学奖  win the Nobel Prize in Literature
1.他什么时候开始画这些画的?  When did he start painting these pictures?
2.他不得不想方设法去书来读. He had to try every means to find books to read.
  With no more books at hand, he started reading a Chinese dictionary.
More and more people are becoming interested in his works.
When he was 12, he dropped out of school and started to work.
He sometimes got in trouble for painting the buildings at school.
7.莫言说他从来没有想过会得奖 Mo said he never expected to win the prize.
He became seriously ill when he was 25 and continued to have bad health into his old age.
People called him the poet of the piano because his music could touch the hearts of his listeners.
The world lost a musical talent, but his spirit continues to live in his works today.
In his later years, he enjoyed playing at this apartment for a few friends more than giving big concerts.
  You are never too young to start doing things.
When did Li Na start her life as a tennis player?
14./她什么时候出生的? When was he / she born?
Unit2 It’s a nice day,isn’t it
1. look like        2. 到中午为止      3. on the weekend      4.  浏览 look through
5. wait in line      6.  球迷a ball game fan      7. have a wonderful time  过得愉快
8. 在周六晚上on Saturday night        9. thank you so much for …而非常感谢你
10.  对..友好  be friendly to          11. feel like  感觉像…         
12.  …的一部分    part of          13. have a hard time doing…  时很费劲
14. 出现,come along    15. enjoy doing 享受做的乐趣
17. help sb. with sth=help sb. (to) do sth..  17. 此时 at this time  18.排队等候 wait in line
19.依靠,依赖 depend on  20.结婚  get married
1.看样子要下雨,不是吗?It looks like rain , doesn't  it
2.你认为到中午时雨会停吗?Do you think it’ll stop by noon?
3.我希望这样. 我想去游泳. I hope so   I want to go swimming .
4.天对我来说有点热. It’s   a little  hot for me.
5.在书店看书:  look through  books in a bookstore.
7.你认为学校怎么样?What do you  think of the school?=How do you like the school?It’s great.好极了.
8.“当/成为、、、、怎么样?”It is +形容词+being……
eg.有时成为学校的一名新生不容易:  It’s not easy  she解散了being a new kid at school.
  当一名演员是有趣的:It’s interesting   being an actor.
9.我在周六的晚上玩得很愉快:I had a wonderful time on Saturday night.
10我感觉是小组的一部分了I   fell like          part of the group now.
三、【自学语法 共克疑难】
Mary likes readingdoesn’t she?  玛丽喜欢读书,是吧? 
Mary doesn’t like readingdoes she?  玛丽不喜欢读书,是吧? 
1. 如果陈述句有一个助动词(包括canmustneed等情态动词),其简短问句用同一个助动词. 例如:He can swimcan’t he?他会游泳,对吗? 
2. 如果陈述部分包含noneverhardlyfewlittleseldom等否定词,简短问句部分应用
例如:You have no time on Mondayhave you? 星期一你没有时间,是吗?
3. 陈述句部分是there be句型时,简短问句部分也用there be.
例如:There are some people in the room,aren’t there? 教室里有人,是吗? 
4. 在英语口语中,I am后面的简短问句用aren't I?
例如:I’m late,aren’t I? 我迟到了,是吗?
5. 当陈述句部分含有否定词如nothingnobody等不定代词时,简短问句部分应用肯定结构. 为避免重复,用代词it来代替nothing;用theyhe来代替nobody. 例如:
Everything goes welldoesn’t it一切顺利,是吗?