动词+ up” 短语荟萃
1. add up 加起来
2. break up
 (1)打碎;拆散;碎开The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁裂开了。
 (2)结束;解散;驱散Their marriage broke up. 他们婚姻破裂了。
 (3)分离,断绝关系,散开The crowd broke up. 人散开了。
What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary break up
如果Jim和Mary 离婚,孩子们怎么办呢
3. bring up
 (1)养育,教养(孩子) She was brought up to believe that money is the most important thing in life.
 (2) 呕吐 (throw up ) : He brought up his dinner. 他把晚餐吃的东西都呕吐出来了。
Don’t bring up that embarrassing topic. 不要提出哪个令人尴尬的话题。
4. build up
 (1) (使)增进;增加;加强;振兴The clouds are building up. 云正在密集起来。
to build up one’s body / strength 增强体质/ 加强力量
 (2)捧起,赞扬,宣传The singer has been built up into a great success. 这位歌星已经被捧红了。
5. burn up
 (1)旺起来,烧起来Put some more wood on the fire to make it burn up. 加点木柴,使火烧
 (2)烧毁,烧尽The rocket burnt up when it re-entered the earth’s atmosphere.
 (3)使(某人)充满……; 使着迷He was burnt up with jealousy. 他妒火中烧。
6. catch up
    At the moment our technology is more advanced than theirs, but they are catching up (with us).
 (2) 赶做(应及时完成的工作)
I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I can’t come out. 今晚我得赶工作,不能出来了。
7. call up
 (2) (使)回忆起;把……召唤回来This song calls up memories of my childhood. 
8. clean up:彻底扫除;收拾整理;清理
    The new mayor has promised to clean up the town by getting rid of all the criminals.
9. clear up
 (1) 晴朗起来,开朗起来;好转I hope the weather clears up before Sunday.
 (2) 澄清;说明;解答The book has cleared up mnay difficulties for me.
 (3)整理;完成You’ll have to clear up the things on the table before we have tea.
  I have some unfinished work to clear up before I can go home.
10. come up
 (2) 引起注意;值得考虑;被提出Your question came up at the meeting.
 (3) (尤指意想不到地)发生I’ll let you know if anything comes up.
 (4) 长出来:  Weeds are coming up everywhere.
11. cut up
(1)切碎,割碎They cut down the tree and cut it up for firewood.
 (2)使伤心,使难受Alice was really cut up when her friend died.
12. divide up 分(配)They divided up the land among themselves.
13. do up
 (1)扣,系,扎,捆Do up your buttons / my dress / this knot.
 (2)打扮Mary has done herself up for the party.
 (3) 收拾,整理,修理,装饰The house needs to be done up.
 (1) 起草,拟订: draw up a plan / contract
 (2) (车辆)到达某处停下: The car drew up (at the gate) and three men got out.
 (3) 使排好队伍;使列阵:The soldiers were drawn up outside the palace.
15. eat up : 吃完,吃光,好尽
16. end up 最后(有某种结局), 最后(成了)
Every time she tried to argue with her husband she ended up crying her eyes out.
17. fill up
 (2) (使)充满;装满The room soon filled up (with people). 房子很快就挤满了(人)。
18. fix up
 (2) 安顿,安排Can yo fix me up with a bed for the night 你能安排我过夜吗
19. fit up 装备,布置We had to fit up one of the bedrooms as an office. 
20. get up (1) (使)起床(2)起立;站起来
21. give up (1)放弃,抛弃,中止(2)认输;中辍(3) 把(某人)交给警方;自首,投降
    The murderer gave himself up (to the police).
22. go up
 (1)上升;增长:  Prices have gone up again.
she解散了There are new houses going up everywhere round here. 这儿周围到处都建起了新房子。
23. grow up (1)长大成人 (2)确立,发展
24. hold up
The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. 新公路的建造由于天气不好而耽搁下来了。
    The old man always held up his youngest son as a model of hard work.
25. hurry up
 (1) (使)加快行动(步子)I tried to hurry him up, but he wouldn’t walk any faster.
 (2)赶快做(某事) We have to hurry this job up if we want to finish by Thursday.
26. hang up
  (1)挂断电话I was so angry I hung up on her. 我一气之下挂断了她的电话。
  (2) 挂起来;耽搁,搁置The business has been hung up owing to the partner’s illness.
27. join up
  (1) 把……连接起来:The electrician joined the wires up.
  (2)参军,入伍When war was declared he joined up at once.
28. keep up
  (1) 继续(下去), 继续(做某事);保持Will the fine weather keep up 好天气会继续下去吗
She kept up her spirits by singing. 她用唱歌来保持精神昂扬。
  (2) 跟上(不落后) I can’t keep up with these changes in fashion. 我赶不上时新样式的变化。
  (3) (使)不睡觉,(使)不倒下; 使……不掉下来△ keep up appearances 装面子;摆阔气
29. look up
  (1) (在书中)查检(资料等); 了解I’ll look up the times of the trains.
  (2)会好转,改善:  Things are looking up. 情况正在看好。
  (3)看望,拜访I must look up an old friend who lives nearby.
30. lay up 搜集,储存to lay up food for the winter 储藏过冬食物
to lay up problems for the future把问题留到将来解决
31. lift up举起,抬起,提起;鼓舞His very presence lifted us all up.