Summary of zootopia
This movie mianly talk about a rabbit ,Judy,who went to zootopia and keep this city with peace and love.She telled us that everyone can become what they want to be.
Part1.Before Judy went to Zootopia
When judy was a child,she had a dream:became a police officer,which made a world a better place.But many people think it was rediculers,even her parents though she should settled up and just live normally.Judy never gave up, and continued to trained herself a result,she entered the police station in Zootopia with excellent performance.
Part2.Judy became a police officer
when she went to the zootopia,she was curious everything arround her and full of energe.however,things happened were different with what her though.Judy helped a fox called Nick bough a big popsicle.Nick has similar experience,he pursued his dreams but he was hurted deeply and lose hope with life.Now he was a cheater ,after Judy realize it,She be
came more upset about living there.
Part3.Judy help otter found her husband
One day,A otter came to police office because her husband had been disappearing for several weeks.When Judy knew it,she talked to the diretor that she wanted to help the otter.But she only had 24 hours to handle it.If Judy didnt find that otter,she would be quited.Judy crabed Nicks handle to let him assisted her.During this time, although met a lot of problem,they finally found the otter with wisdom and bravery.Meanwhile,the lion mayor was under arrested.Even though Judy found the missing animal,those animal cannot controlled themself which might hurt other animal around them.It let all animal lived in panic.Judy didnt felt successful about cracking a criminal case.Actually,she was depressed because she though she made the city losed peace and happiness.
  Part4.Judy Found the improtant clude and arrested the Sheep mayor.
So Judy quited her job and came back to her hometown,and lived as a normal animal,altho
ugh it was not the life she really wanted,until she found the important clue.It was the toxic flower called Night Howler that let the normal animal became wild and losed mind.Judy and Nick finally found the locality of crime and arrets the Sheep mayor who was the prime criminal.And the lion mayor was innocent.
At the end,Judy made Zootopia regained peace and love.It tell us that,although we all look and think different when we borned,it doesnt mean we are limited to do what we want to do.Try something new everyday,and start to persue your dreams.You will make it come true on one day.
第一部分 朱迪去疯狂动物园之前
第二部分 朱迪成为警察
第三部分 朱迪帮助水獭到她的丈夫
第四部分 朱迪到重要的线索并逮捕了羊市长