    She is angry. I can understand why she is angry because she feels hurt or disappointed by something or someone. It's important to acknowledge her feelings and try to find out the cause of her anger. Maybe she had a disagreement with someone, or something didn't go as planned. It's crucial to communicate with her and listen to her perspective. By doing so, we can address the issue and find a resolution.
    Anger is a natural emotion, and it's okay to feel angry sometimes. However, it's important to express anger in a healthy and constructive way. Yelling or being aggressive won't solve the problem, but rather escalate it. Instead, she can try expressing her feelings calmly and assertively. She can also take some time to cool down and reflect on the situation before discussing it further.
she解散了    It's also important for her to take care of herself during this time. Engaging in activities that
she enjoys or practicing relaxation techniques can help her manage her anger. It's important to remember that anger is temporary, and with time and effort, she can work through it.