农业是中国的重要产业。中国的农业产居世界⾸位,主要出产⼤⽶、⼩麦、⼟⾖、花⽣、茶叶和棉花。尽管中国的可耕地(arable land)仅占世界的10%,但是中国却为世界上20%的⼈⼝提供粮⾷。由于中国是发展中国家且可耕地严重匮乏,中国的农业⼀直是劳动密集型(labor-intensive)。中国政府密切关注农业,加⼤投资⼒度,积极开展灌溉和⽔资源保护,以提髙农业⽣产的现代化⽔平,使得中国各类农产品的产品迅速增加。然⽽,由于⼈⼝众多,⼈均农产品产量很低。
Agriculture is an important industry in China.Chinaranks first in agricultural output worldwide, primarilyproducing rice, wheat, potatoes, peanuts, tea, andcotton. Although accounting for only 10 percent ofarable land worldwide,China produces food for 20percent of the world's population.Due to China's status as a developing country and itssevere shortage of arable land,farming in China has always been the labor-intensiveindustry. Chinese government has been paying close attention to agriculture,increasing theinvestment and actively carrying out irrigation and water conservancy to improve themodernization of agricultural production, which leads to a high growth rate in China's output
ofvarious agricultural products. However, due to the large population,the amount of theagricultural products per capita is small.
英语六级作文范文 1.重要产业:可译为important industry.其中industry除了表⽰“产业”,还可表⽰“⼯业”,例如heavy industry意为“重⼯业”。
2.仅占……的10%:可译为accounting for only 10 percentof.其中account for意为“占……⽐例”。
3.可耕地:可译为arable land.
4.密切关注:可译为pay close attention to.参考译⽂中⽤了现在完成进⾏时。
5.灌溉和⽔资源保护:可译为irrigation and water conservancy.
6.⼈均:可译为per capita.