High school English essay conclusion templates are important tools for students to effectively conclude their essays The conclusion is the final part of an essay and it serves to summarize the main points made in the body of the essay as well as to provide a sense of closure for the reader Crafting a strong conclusion can be challenging for many students as they struggle to find the right words to wrap up their essay in a compelling way However by utilizing pre-written conclusion templates students can ensure that their essays end on a strong note and leave a lasting impression on the reader
One commonly used high school English essay conclusion template is the three-sentence structure This template involves writing a concluding sentence that restates the thesis statement a sentence that summarizes the main points discussed in the essay and a final sentence that leaves the reader with a lasting impression or a call to action For example a three-sentence conclusion template could be structured as follows Ultimately it is clear that [restate thesis] Moreover the evidence has shown [summarize main points] Therefore [provide final thought or call to action]
Another useful high school English essay conclusion template is the more detailed five-sentence structure This template allows students to provide a more comprehensive wrap-up of their essay The five sentences are as follows 1 Restate the thesis 2 Summarize the main points 3 Explain the significance of the topic 4 Provide a final thought or recommendation 5 End with a clinching statement An example of a five-sentence conclusion template could be 1 In conclusion [restate thesis] 2 Throughout this essay I have demonstrated [summarize main points] 3 The implications of this topic are significant because [explain significance] 4 Moving forward it is crucial that [provide final thought or recommendation] 5 Ultimately [provide clinching statement]
A third high school English essay conclusion template is the anecdotal conclusion In this type of conclusion the writer ends their essay with a relevant anecdote or short story that ties back to the main theme of the essay This can be an effective way to leave a lasting impression on the reader and to provide a sense of closure to the essay An example of an anecdotal conclusion template could be As I reflect on [topic] I am reminded of the time when [provide relevant anecdote] This experience exemplifies the [restate main point] that I
have discussed throughout my essay Therefore [provide final thought]
In addition to these common templates students can also utilize more creative conclusion strategies such as the rhetorical question conclusion or the call to action conclusion The rhetorical question conclusion involves ending the essay with a thought-provoking question that encourages the reader to continue reflecting on the topic long after they have finished reading The call to action conclusion on the other hand urges the reader to take a specific action in response to the information presented in the essay
Regardless of the specific template or strategy used crafting an effective conclusion is essential for high school English essays Conclusions provide students with the opportunity to solidify their main arguments leave a lasting impression on the reader and demonstrate their mastery of the topic By utilizing pre-written conclusion templates students can ensure that their essays end on a high note and achieve the desired impact