摘    要    2
Abstract    3
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一、我国银行开展中间业务的现状    6
(一)随着经济的发展,我国商业银行广泛开展中间业务,并取得长足的发展    6
(二)商业银行发展中间业务具有的特点    6
二、我国银行开展中间业务过程中存在的问题    9
(一)商业银行宏观规划在一定程度上制约中间业务的发展    9
(二)我国银行目前开展的中间业务存在创新能力薄弱的问题    9
(三)监管体系的局限性导致较为混乱的中间业务市场    10
(四)银行中间业务竞争激烈同时市场前景广阔    11
三、我国银行开展中间业务发展中存在问题的原因    12
(一)银行监管体系和政策与中间业务缺乏完善性    12
(二)我国银行开展中间业务缺乏稳定的环境    13
(三)商业银行发展中间业务体系不成熟、模式不完善    13
四、我国商业银行推行和发展中间业务应采取的对策    14
(一)实行符合我国银行开展中间业务的战略决策    14
(二)建立商业银行开展中间业务的经营观念    14
(三)银行发展中间业务需要制定和完善法律法规    15
结    论    17
参考文献    18
后    记    19
摘    要
    Since China formally became a WTO member since the financial industry has been fully open to the world , the situation in the financial industry is undoubtedly a great opportunity to be able to progress, but also face greater challenges and impact . A large scale of foreign financial companies to enter the Chinese market , will lead to greater changes in the structure of financial markets , the pattern of the original conceit of commercial banks will be completely broken , private, foreign , state the three parties will form the three pillars in the fierce market competition situation. Due to the rapid development in recent years, the blind , to let financial enterprises are facing many problems. Banking business is in the middle of a solid and stable foundation on traditional banking business , and further improve the comprehensive competitiveness and the ability to index the bank , but because the development of scientific, some banks have now become a means to win over customers . In order to change the bank intermediary business and solve problems in the d农村商业银行贷款
evelopment process as soon as possible , it is necessary to start from the root , will introduce its development on track . After the commercial bank 's research and analysis , focusing on the development of understanding of the problems arising in , and according to foreign molding, mature experience to guide the development of the scale and direction of development banking intermediary business , promoting financial sector intermediary business can be scientific, comprehensive development, strengthening service capabilities, improve their ability to create , to reduce the risk of financial companies to fundamentally protect the bank more healthy development.
Keywords : Development Strategies ; intermediary business status quo ; commercial banks
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