December 3, 2010, One Foundation landed in Shenzhen. The Shenzhen Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau approved the formal establishment of One Foundation as a public welfare foundation in Shenzhen. Since then, One Foundation has the independent legal status to engage in public fundraising activities.
January 11, 2011, the Shenzhen Public Welfare Foundation launched a press conference to announce the formal establishment of the Shenzhen One Foundation. This is the actively promotion of the reform and innovation in charity management sector by Chinese Civil Affairs Department. It’s an important measure and showed strong support for the development of social welfare charities
2007年4月19日,由李连杰先生与中国红十字会合作的“中国红十字会李连杰壹基金计划”(以下简称“壹基金计划”启动,是在中国红十字会架构下独立运作的慈善计划和专案。倡导“壹基金 壹家人”的全球公益理念,推广每人每月1块钱,一家人互相关爱彼此关怀的慈善互动模式。“壹基金计划”实施以来,得到了广大爱心人士的关注与支持,在抗震救灾、公益理念传播、扶持民间组织发展等方面做出了重要贡献。
The “Red Cross Society of China Jet Li One Foundation Project” (Jet Li One Foundation)
was founded by Red Cross ambassador Jet Li, under a strategic partnership with the Red Cross Society of China at April 19, 2007. The Jet Li One Foundation Project works independently to pursue its charitable mission and agenda.
The foundation believes that: “1 person + 1 dollar/yuan + 1 month = 1 big family”. If each person donates at least one dollar/yuan each month, our individual donations can be transf
ormed into a much greater fund. When we combine our charitable strength, we can make sure that the most vulnerable members of our global family will receive the help they need.
Since the implementation of the “One Foundation Project”, a lot of people demonstrates their love, attention and support in disaster relief, public dissemination of ideas and support the development of civil society. They has made very important contributions to the society.
为更好地执行“壹基金计划”,2008 年10 月9 日,上海民政局批准了非公募“上海李连杰壹基金公益基金会”(上海壹基金)。“上海壹基金”成立后,在2008 年11 月4 日,与中国红十字会签署协议,“上海壹基金”作为“壹基金计划”的项目执行机构。为更好地发展壹基金公益慈善事业,壹基金创始人李连杰一直希望壹基金能成为一个有独立的、有公募资格的基金会。
In order to give “One Foundation Project” a better development and to promote the public sense of charity, the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau approved the non-public offering "Jet Li One Foundation Shanghai Charity Foundation"(Shanghai One Foundation)" in October 9, 2008. The Shanghai One Foundation signed an agreement with the Chinese Red Cross, and it was the project executing agency of the “One Foundation Project” under the Chinese 李连杰简介
Red Cross.
The founder, Jet Li, hoping that one day, One Foundation could become an independent, qualified public offering foundation.
Shenzhen One Foundation is the continuation and development of "One Foundation Projec
t " and "Shanghai One Foundation". The "One Foundation Project "under Chinese Red Cross and "Shanghai One Foundation " was liquidating and canceling their projects, and their funding and staff will be joined in Shenzhen One Foundation.
Authentication problems, the accounts cannot be independent, only can carry out limited projects---one funds had hit the wall over the past three years, and almost the entire Chinese people who around the charity faced the common walls around.
Some donors and some researchers on charities said, “Our culture is no short of traditions of charities, but we are now lacking a reasonable and legitimize system of charity.”
China’s private charity grows after the reform and opening up era. According the statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the number of social groups in 1988 is only 4446; but by the end of 2007, this data become 387, 000. Behind these numbers, one can clearly see the community power or civil power has moving forward, but the government system hasn’t been changed much enough.