惊吓小学 -我吓着你了 -才没有呢 -I scared you! -No, you didn"t. 听着别忘了我们的纪律 Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone. 不许推搡不许撕咬更不允许喷火 Uh, no pushing, no biting, and no fire breathing! 我说到哪儿了What did I just say? 十八 ___ Eighteen, 我们少了一个是哪个不见了 Okay, we"re missing one. Who are we missing? 麦克·华斯基 Oh. Mike Wazowski. 谢谢乔 Thanks, Joe. 希望你能早点猜出来 Good luck finishing your crossword puzzle. -抱歉麦克 ___看见你 -没关系 -Sorry, Michael. I didn"t see you. -That"s okay. 刚才在车上我捡到一个硬币When I was on the bus, I found a nickel! 有个兜就好了 I wish I had pockets. 好了孩子们自♥由♥组合你们的旅伴吧 Okay, everyone, partner up. Get your field
大壮欠钱trip buddy. 詹米咱们俩? 没事无所谓 Jeremy! You and me? Okay, no biggie. 艾丽你克莱尔? 有眼光她是好人 Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire? Great choi ___. She"s a good egg. 拉塞尔? Russell. 麦克? 华斯基? Mike? Wazowski? 搭个伴儿吧 We car-pool? -我们是表兄弟 -嘿 -We"re cousins. -Hey! 好吧真有品味 Okay. Good catching up. 嘿麦克看来又得咱俩搭档了 Well, Michael, it looks like it"s you and me again. 快点儿瓦伦我们已经 ___了
Come on, Karen. We"re falling behind. 叫我老师好吗 Please don"t call me Karen. 我们惊吓因为我们喜
欢大家千万不要掉队哦 Now, stay close together. 因为我们要进入最危险的区域啦We"re entering a very dangerous area. 欢迎来到神秘的惊吓工厂 Wele to the Scare Floor. 这里就是我们采集尖叫能源 This is where we collect the Scream Energy 供应整个世界的中心 to power our whole world. 你们知道是谁去采集这些尖叫能源吗 And can anyone ___ me whose job it is to go get that scream? -惊吓专员 -完全正确 -Scarers! -That"s right! 你们谁能给我秀一下最恐怖的吼叫 Now, which one of you can give me the scariest roar? 我我我 Me, me, me! 我能绿的宝宝 Oh!
Sir! Right here! Little green guy, 两点钟方向 two o"clock! 看我的 No, it"s like this. 看这个 Hey, guys, watch this one. 我真的很在行 Hey, I got a 早啊孩子们
你们是来见学的吧? Well, hey there, kids. Are you on a tour with your school? 是的 Yes. 我们来学习尖叫能源的知识了解如何成为惊吓专员 We"re here to learn about Scream Energy and what it takes to be a Scarer. 是吗你们真走运我正好就是一个惊吓专员 Well, hey, you"re in luck, because I just happen to be a Scarer. 我会的一切都是在学校学的 I learned
绿的近义词everything I know from my school, 著名的怪兽大学 Monsters University.
那是世界上最棒的惊吓学校 It"s the best Scaring School there is. 别忽悠了恐大才是最棒的 You wish! Fear Tech"s the best. 好吧看看我们就知道是哪个学校最棒了对吗 Okay. You guys watch us and ___
y蛋me which school"s the best. All right? 怪兽大学 MU is. 站住别动 Oops. Stop right there. 别越过这道警戒线 Don"t cross over that safety line. 人类的孩子都有剧毒碰着就死 Hu ___n children are extremely toxic. 你们看那边 Look at that! 看着点别撞着我 Whoa! Hey, guys, watch the eye! Ow! 看那个真神奇 Look at that! It"s a
___zing! 劳驾让一让 Excuse me. Fellas. 有点样好不好? How about we do tallest in the back? 这个家伙太恐怖了 Look, he"s going to do a real Scare! -我也要当惊吓专员 -对我也是-Cool. I want to be a Scarer. -Yeah. Me, too. 让我也看看Come on, guys. I want to see. 你算了吧麦克 Out of the way, Wazowski. 惊吓工厂跟你没关系 You don"t belong on a Scare Floor. 布莱恩别越过那条警戒线 Brian! Do not step over the line. 老师麦克也越过警戒线了 Mrs. Graves, Michael went over the line. 麦克 Michael! 看见了吗我说过他没事 See? I
told you. He"s fine. 可我觉得有动静 Well, I thought I heard something.
怎么啦 What? 你觉得好玩是吗 Are you okay? 你没事儿吧 You could have gotten hurt! 这怎么解释怎么会出现这种情况? I don"t understand how this could happen! 刚才太危险了孩子
我都不知道你进去了 That was real dangerous, kid. I didn"t even know you were in there. 我真没想到你会进去 Wow. I didn"t even know you were in there. 真不赖小家伙 Not bad, kid. 麦克你刚才是怎么
回事 Michael, what do you have to say for yourself? 怎么才能成为一个惊吓专员 How do I bee a Scarer? 怪兽大学怪兽大学到了有下车的没有 Monsters University! Anybody getting off? 同学们我也不想煽情 Well, everyone, I don"t mean to get emotional, 但是我一生都在等待这一刻 but everything in my life has led to this moment. 希望这不仅是我的 Let it not be just the beginning of my dream 也是你们梦想的开始 but the beginning of all of our dreams. 格莱迪斯继续试镜好吗答应我 Gladys, promise me you"ll keep auditioning. 玛丽你的真命天子会出现的 Marie, Mr. Right is out there somewhere. 菲尔记得继续抹药直到皮肤白白 Phil, keep using the ointment till that thing goes away. 祝大家万事如意谢谢非常感谢 I wish you all the best. Thank you all
so much! 说得我都热泪盈眶啦快下车吧 I"m welling up with tears. Now, get off. 你好请多指教 Hello. How are you doing? 用力用力 Stroke! Stroke! 好嘞一件件来
Okay! First thing on my list, 先去教务处 get registered. 嘿小帅哥我是热心肠 Hey there, fresh ___n. I"m Jay the
R.A., 想知道去哪报道是吗往前看 and I"m here to say that registration is thataway! -谢谢热心肠 -有事就热心肠 -Okay, Jay. -Have a great first day. 嘿我是开心果这是你的新生手册 Hey, I"m Kay! Here"s your orientation packet. 谢谢你 Thanks, Kay. 你可以把包存在这儿跟憨豆哥去照相 You can drop your
bags off here and get your picture taken with Trey. -说万岁 -万岁 -say hooray! -Hooray! 怪兽大学秋季/春季学期有效学生麦克·华斯主修吓唬我这不是在做梦吧 I can"t believe it. 我是怪兽大学的正式学生了 I"m officially a college student! 介绍一下我是小甜甜 Okay, everyone, I"m Fay, 在这个阳光明媚的日子我带你们熟悉一下校园 and I"ll be giving you your orientation tour on this perfect day! 这里是惊吓学生专用实验室 Here are the labs where students learn 专门建造设计通往人类世界的大门 to design and build the doors to the Hu ___n World. 教授们好像在实验一扇新门 Looks like the professor is about to test a door! 怪兽大学提供一