红楼梦 好词好句500字
    Red Chamber Dream is a classic Chinese novel written by Cao Xueqin during the Qing Dynasty. It is known for its intricate plot, rich character development, and beautiful language. Throughout the book, there are numerous good words and phrases that capture the essence of the story and evoke strong emotions.
    One example of a good word in Red Chamber Dream is "情深意重" (qing shen yi zhong), which means deep affection and profound meaning. This phrase is often used to describe the complex relationships and deep emotions between the characters in the novel. For instance, when the main character, Jia Baoyu, falls in love with his cousin Lin Daiyu, their relationship is described as "情深意重". Their love is not just a simple infatuation, but a deep and meaningful connection that transcends societal norms.
    Another good phrase in Red Chamber Dream is "风花雪月" (feng hua xue yue), which liter
ally means wind, flowers, snow, and moon. This phrase is often used to depict a beautiful and romantic scene. In the novel, there are many descriptions of the natural beauty of the gardens and the poetic atmosphere of the love affairs. For example, when Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu spend time together in the garden, their interactions are often described as "风花雪月". This phrase not only captures the beauty of the surroundings but also symbolizes the delicate and ephemeral nature of love.
    In addition to good words and phrases, Red Chamber Dream also contains many good sentences that are memorable and thought-provoking. One such sentence is "人生如梦,一尘不染" (ren sheng ru meng, yi chen bu ran), which means life is like a dream, pure and untainted. This sentence reflects the Buddhist philosophy of detachment from worldly desires and emphasizes the impermanence of life. It reminds readers to cherish the present moment and not be attached to material possessions or fame.
    除了好词好句, 《红楼梦》中还包含许多令人难忘和发人深思的好句子。其中一个例子是“人生如梦,一尘不染”。这句话表达了佛家的离世欲望的哲学观点,强调了生命的无常。它提醒读者珍惜当下,不要执着于物质财富或名利。