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双语新闻:汤唯+王力宏+雷神 揭秘电影《骇客交锋》
When the director Michael Mann began work on his new film, “Blackhat,” an international thriller about good and wicked hackers, he wanted to start by researching some technological basics. Really, really elemental stuff. Like:
“What’s electricity?”
洛杉矶——导演迈克尔·曼(Michael Mann)的新片《骇客交锋》(Bl ackhat)是一部国际背景下的惊悚剧,讲述亦正亦邪的黑客们的故事,着手准备时,他想先研究点技术方面的基础知识。就是最最基本的东西,比如:“电力是什么?”
For Mr. Mann, the writer, director and producer best known for muscular films like “Heat,” “The Insider” “Ali” and “The Last of the Mohicans,” “Blackhat,” which is due Jan. 16, posed challenges unlike anything he’d ever tackled, including how to depict the tedium of coding in dramatic fashion. But at 71, with four Oscar nominations and much critical adulation to his credit, Mr. Mann remains undimmed. Surrounded by Muhammad Ali memorabilia in his office, his footnotable conversation hurtled from Eero Saarinen to Brancusi to the mechanics of a municipal storm drain; at one point, he diagramed how computer bits work.
曼是作家、导演和制作人,以执导《盗火线》(Heat)、《惊爆内幕》(The Insider)、《拳王阿里》(Ali)、《最后的莫西干人》(The Last
of the Mohicans)等强悍的男人片闻名。将在1月16日上映的《骇客交锋》对于他来说是种挑战,要处理各种之前从未处理过的东西,比如怎样用激动人心的方式来展现枯燥的编程过程。但71岁的曼曾四获奥斯卡提名,在评论界赢得好评无数,他的思路一直都很清晰。他的办公室里到处都是拳王阿里的纪念品,他的谈话亮点不断,从伊洛·沙里宁(Eero Saarinen)到布兰诺西(Brancusi),再到暴雨排水道市政工程的结构;甚至还画图示意电脑零件是怎么工作的。
The idea for the film — which, he recalled in his implacably precise manner, he first had on Aug. 8, 2011 — was inspired by Stuxnet, the computer worm that was identified in 2010, after it had struck an Iranian nuclear facility. “Blackhat,” the term for a vicious hacker (“white hat” is a good guy), starts with a malware attack on a Chinese nuclear reactor. Mr. Wang plays the M.I.T.-trained Chinese military official tasked with finding the culprit; Mr. Hemsworth plays his old programming-whiz college roommate, now incarcerated, whose prison sentence is commuted in exchange for helping solve the p
uzzle. This being a Michael Mann movie, that means using fists as well as keyboards. Car chases, too.