W"""“""in,,”"on"ii””""in tn,in hi m'Um •科技信息•
RISE(瑞典研究院)是由瑞典原SPJCP和Innentia三T机构整合而成,于2017年1冃起更名为RISEo RISE包括六大研究领域,即生物经济、ICT(数字产品、服务和商贸)、生物科学和材料、安全和交通、建〔构)筑物环境、RISE认证。其中,其消防研究属于安全和交通研究部,主要从事机械风险、测量技术和消防等前沿技术研究,该部的工作人员约有540人。
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An experimental study on the effect of
low pressure on the burning rate of
corrugated carton
FENG IW,TIAN Rim-he2,CHEN Ke-wei\
YE Jun-jian4,ZHANG Hui1
(l.Inslilute of Public Safety Research,Tsinghua University. Beijing100084,C'hina;2.Sumavision Technologies Co.,Ltd., Beijing100084,China;3.Midea Group Co.,Ltd.,Guangdong Fos~ han528311,China;4.Noah'S Ark Lab,Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.,Guangdong Shenzhen518000,C'h
Abstract:This study look corrugated cartons commonly found in airfreight as the research object.and carried out single carton firc^ and two staked cartons fire experiments under50〜90kPa in a low-pressure environment simulation cabin.The burning rate behavior under reduced pressure environment was investigated theoretically and experimentally,which provided a basis for aviation fire insur ance.The pressure dependence of burning rate behavior of solid fu­el was derived from the perspective of heat and mass transfer.The results revealed that the pressure dependcnce of turbulent solid fire burning rate was expressed as:m mccA h P~'+4尸'.The expres­sion was verified by experimental results,and the empirical rela~ lion s hip was give n as:m'.Comparative an a lysis of the bur n ing rate under fixed pressure environment using pressure modeling and radiation fire modeling showed that the fitting effect of radi<r lion fire model was significanlly better than that of pressure model. Key words:low ambienl pressure;corrugated carton;burning rate;flaming combustion
Fire Science and Technology.Eebmary2019,Vol38.No.2