1.Are chores assigned to children in your family? 在你们家杂物分配给孩
2.你欣赏你朋友什么品质?What quality of your friend do you appreciate?
3.Do you know any funny “pick up lines”? 你知道一些有趣的搭讪语吗?
4.请给我一打啤酒和一盘牛肉。A dozen of beers and a plate of beef, please.
5.How many miles have you covered since you had the oil changed?你更换
6.我还在犹豫。I'm still hesitating.
7.I'm on a tight budget. 我的预算很紧。
8.这已经是处理价了!This is already the bargain price.
9.希望我的卡不会像上次一样被(机器)吞掉。I hope my card will not get
swallowed up like last time.
10.I realize afterwards that I was using the wrong code. 后来我才意识到
11.我应该哪类医生呢?What kind of doctor should I see?
12.他会好起来吗?Will he be all right?
13.我几天前打电话订位了。I called a few days ago to reserve a table.
14.我恐怕不能给您更大的折扣了。I'm afraid I can't give you a larger
15.I think we can negotiate the discount policy. 我想我们能协商一下折扣
16.如果你买2件,我们将给你30%的折扣。If you bought two, we would give
you a 30 percent discount.
17.如果有时间,请填写这份调查问卷。If you have time, please fill out this
18.I was online when the computer froze. 电脑死机的时候我在上网。
19.The battery has been recharging all night. 电池整晚都在充电。
20.That was the first American space capsule. 那是第一艘美国太空舱。
21.它运送了第一批美国移民。It shipped the first American immigrants.
22.Are you pressured by your family to act in a certain way? 你做事是不是
23.什么行为伤你最深?What hurt you most?
24.Do you have this weekend's forecast? 你知道本周末的天气预报吗?
25.什么时候会转暖呢?When will it get warm?
26.The tiles are scratched. 瓷砖表面有划痕。
27.I already took a peek. 我已经瞧了一眼。
28.我开始是做银行出纳员的。I was start as a bank teller.
29.你在打算一个什么类型的职业?What kind of career are you looking
30.I'll present my position to you. 我会像你汇报我的工作。
31.楼下还有个地下室。There is also a basement downstairs.
32.What are the monthly payments? 月支付款数是多少?
33.那意味着天空会放晴了。That means it will clear up.
34.Would you like to know the financial particulars? 你想知道财务详情
35.搞不懂我们怎么需要那么多东西。I have no idea why we need so many
36.我的主要职责是负责产品开发组。My main responsibility is the Product
是什么Development Team.
37.I think the first draft looks very promising. 我认为第一个草案看起来
38.你代表哪个公司?Which company do you represent?
39.I'm up on my feet again. 我又恢复健康了。
40.今年会有一个设计研讨会吗?Will there be a design seminar this year?
41.It is a nice, well-equipped, four-room apartment in a big building. 这是
42.你知道我们什么时候将产品投放市场吗?Do you know when we will launch
the products?
43.你打算什么时候搬进去呢?When are you going to move in?
44.What is the interest rate? 利率是多少?
45.晒太阳太多对你不好。It's not good for you to stay too long in the sun.
46.大家所受的待遇不平等。Everyone is not treated equally.
47.How many miles have you covered since you had the oil changed?自从你
48.什么牌子的衣服时髦?What clothing brand is fashionable?
49.还供应早餐吗?Are you still serving breakfast?
50.The waiter comes up to you and greets you. 服务员走上前和你打招呼。
51.我给你拿早餐菜单。I'll get you the breakfast menu.
be perfect. 金无赤足人无完人。
52.Gold can’t
be pure and man can’t
53.你知道汇率是多少吗?Do you know what the exchange rate is?
54.你们必须现在支付全部金额。You must make full payment now.
55.Could we pay in several installments?我们能分几次付款吗?
56.他已经通过了大学的入学考试。He has passed the entrance exam of the
57.Your ID is of no use. You need a passport to enter the country. 你的身
58.在事态进一步恶化前必须采取有效措施。Effective measures must be
taken before the things get worse.
59.The first day was fantastic, the second day was drizzly. 第一天很棒,
60.生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。The quality of life is as important as
life itself.
61.It will be cloudy and there might be a few showers. 天气将是多云,而
62.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。We should spare no effort to
beautify our environment.
63.You mean there won't be any sunny spells? 你的意思是再不会有晴朗的
64.衣服的基本功能是保持我们舒适和温暖。The basic function of clothing is
to keep us comfortable and warm.
65.If you have food in the refrigerator, cloth on your back, a roof of
overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. 如果你的冰箱里有食物,身上有衣服,头顶有屋檐,并有睡眠的地方,则你比世界上75%的人都富有。
66.他本来会发胖的,但是他吃的不是很多。He would put on weight, but he
doesn't eat much.
67.She is known to have been working on the problem for many years. 我
68.暴风对我们的房子造成了一些损害。The storm caused some damage to
our house.
69.Having failed many times, he didn't lose heart. 失败了很多次,他仍没
70.所有的票已经卖光了,他们失望地离开了。All the tickets have been sold
out, they went away disappointedly.
71.从外表看,他一定是个演员。Judging from his appearance, he must be an
72.因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了。Being caught in the heavy rain, he
got wet all over.
73.America consumes more energy than did our country. 美国比我们国家
74.I know nothing about this river, neither how long, how wide nor how
deep it is. 这条河的一切我都不知道,不管是多长多宽还是多深。
75.正如她家里人一样谨慎小心,她似乎不愿意立即回答我的问题。Cautious as
her family, she seems unwilling to answer my question immediately.
76.他不是从前的那样子了。He is not the man as he used to be.
77.让我吃惊的是每个人似乎对她都很冷淡。What surprised me is that
everybody seemed to be very indifferent to her.
78.Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。