The year is 2050 and the world has been taken over by a zombie apocalypse. It all started when a mysterious virus broke out, turning people into mindless, flesh-eating creatures. Cities fell, leaders failed, and chaos reigned.
2050年,世界被僵尸启示录所夺取。 一切都是从一个神秘的病毒爆发开始的,这导致人们变成了没有思想的、食肉的生物。 城市倒下,领导者失败,混乱统治。
关于丧尸的电影As a survivor, I've witnessed the horrors of this new world first-hand. Friends and family members have been lost to the hordes of undead, and every day is a fight for survival.
作为一个幸存者,我亲眼目睹了这个新世界的恐怖。 朋友和家人已经失去了对不死者的死亡,并且每一天都是为了生存而战。
The once bustling streets are now filled with nothing but death and decay. The stench of rotting flesh hangs heavy in the air, and the sounds of moaning and scavenging never cease.
曾经繁华的街道现在除了死亡和腐烂之外,什么都没有了。 腐烂肉的恶臭在空气中沉重地弥漫着,而呻吟和觅食的声音却永远不停息。
Our group of survivors has found refuge in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of what used to be a thriving city. We take turns standing watch, always on the lookout for the next potential threat.
我们的幸存者小组在曾经繁荣的市郊一个废弃的仓库中到了避难所。 我们轮流值班,时刻警惕着下一个潜在的威胁。
The once familiar faces of our loved ones now wear the twisted visages of the undead. It's a cruel reminder of what we've lost, and the constant fear of becoming one of them haunts our every waking moment.
我们所爱的人的熟悉面孔现在带着不死者的扭曲表情。 这是对我们所失去的残酷提醒,而成为他们中的一员的恐惧不断地萦绕着我们每一个清醒的时刻。
Every day brings new challenges as we scavenge for food, water, and supplies. It's a const
ant struggle to find enough to keep us alive, and the risks we take often put us in harm's way.
每一天都会带来新的挑战,因为我们搜寻食物、水和用品。 到足够的东西让我们活下去是一个不断的挣扎,而我们所冒的风险常常让我们置身于危险中。
But amidst all the despair and hopelessness, we still find moments of joy and camaraderie. Whether it's sharing a meal or comforting one another in times of distress, we cling to the bonds that hold us together in this nightmare.
但是在所有的绝望和无望之中,我们仍然能够到快乐和友情的时刻。 无论是分享一顿饭还是在困难时期互相安慰,我们都紧紧地依靠着彼此在这场噩梦中团结在一起的纽带。
As the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months, we continue to fight for survival in this unforgiving world. The future may seem bleak, but we hold onto the hope that someday, the tides will turn, and humanity will rise from the ashes once again.
随着日子变成了周,周变成了月,我们继续在这个无情的世界里为生存而战。 未来可能看起