Abstract: K nown as “the father of the art of war”, called by later generations,“Sun Tzu's
Military Strategy” is the earliest and the most famous ancient work on military.It is an important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture and also the bright gem of Chinese classical military heritage.Li Shi
ming , who is from the ancient Tang Dynasty once.said that you will find out all contents are taken from Sun Tzu after finishing viewing different kinds of works on war.Today,the founder of
Japanese Matsushita Electric, Konosuke Matsushita , also said that " Sun Tzu's Military Strategy"is second to no god. We must pay homage to it ,recite it and put it into practice flexibly ,only then can the company be developed.This paper aims to learn about the important role of the generals and the way of being generals, at the same time , to let people reflect on the art of leadership position in real life while learning about the ancient generals.
Key words: The art of war, generals, role, the way of being generals, art of leadership