向狗致敬Tribute to the dog by演讲家和辩论家George Graham
Gentlemen of the Jury:
The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may become traitors to their faith.
The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.
The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the
cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.
He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.
If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death.
* jury:“陪审团”。
* turn against:“反目”、“反对”的意思。最好的朋友有时候也会反目成为敌人。
* rear:“抚养”的意思。用爱心抚养出来的儿女也会不知感激。那些和我们亲近的人、我们信任的人也可能成为traitors(背叛者)。
* prone:“易于……的”。
* malice:“恶意”、“伤害某人的意愿”。有些人在我们成功时,随时都会跪倒在面前以示尊敬,而当我们遭遇失败时,会第一个恶毒地向我们扔石头。
* turn against:“反目”、“反对”的意思。最好的朋友有时候也会反目成为敌人。
* rear:“抚养”的意思。用爱心抚养出来的儿女也会不知感激。那些和我们亲近的人、我们信任的人也可能成为traitors(背叛者)。
* prone:“易于……的”。
* malice:“恶意”、“伤害某人的意愿”。有些人在我们成功时,随时都会跪倒在面前以示尊敬,而当我们遭遇失败时,会第一个恶毒地向我们扔石头。
* treacherous:“阴险的”、“奸诈的”等意思。上面提到的那些不知感恩和借风使舵的人都属于阴险的人。而狗却不是这样,狗在任何时候都对主人忠心耿耿,无论其穷富、身体健康与否。
* wintry狗界高考毕业生:winter的形容词形式,表示“冬天的”、“寒冷的”意思。只要能靠近它的主人,哪怕是睡在冰凉的地上、任由寒风侵袭,狗都无怨无悔。
* wintry狗界高考毕业生:winter的形容词形式,表示“冬天的”、“寒冷的”意思。只要能靠近它的主人,哪怕是睡在冰凉的地上、任由寒风侵袭,狗都无怨无悔。
* pauper :“贫民”、“非常穷的人”。再贫穷的主人熟睡时,狗也象守侯王子一样守侯他。
* outcast:“被抛弃、被驱逐的人”。当主人被世人抛弃、无家可归时,狗也总是形影不离。
* outcast:“被抛弃、被驱逐的人”。当主人被世人抛弃、无家可归时,狗也总是形影不离。