Duck Loses Her Quack
L: Hello, Duck!
D: Hello, Little Bear! I’m in a big big hurry.
L: Why?
D: I’m going to babysit the ducklings. And today I’m going to teach them how to quack. They only know how to cheep, cheep, cheep. But they are going to be ducks like me. They need to know how to quack, quack, quack.
L: Wait for me.
L: That’s right, ducklings. Follow the leader. Au! Hey!
D: I guess she really is following the leader.
L: Duck, I think the ducklings are ready for their lesson.
D: OK, ducklings, everybody in a row. Today, I am going to teach you all how to quack. Now listen very carefully. This is what a quack sounds like, er..
L: That wasn’t a quack.
D: No, wait, ducklings. That wasn’t it.
L: Try it again, Duck.
D: Here we go. Oh, no, my quack is gone.
L: What do you mean GONE? Where did it go?
D: I must have lost it. Where are you, quack? What if someone took it?
L: Don’t worry, Duck. We’ll find your quack. Come on, ducklings.
D: Frog, can you help me? Did you take my quack? I was trying to teach the ducklings how to quack.
L: But she couldn’t because…
D: My quack is gone. Someone took my quack. Did you have my quack?
F: I do not quack. I ribbit.
L: I don’t think Frog has your quack, Duck.
D: Oh no, no, no, no, ducklings. That’s the sound a frog makes, not the sound a duck makes.
L: Don’t give up, Duck. Maybe Owl found your quack.
D: Owl, Owl, where are you? Owl !
O: Hello, Duck! Hello, Little Bear! Oh, hello, little ones.
L: Duck´s babysitting the ducklings and was going to teach them how to quack today.
D: But someone took my quack. Did you have my quack, Owl?
O: Hu, Hu, me? Certainly not.
D: You haven’t seen it anywhere?
O: I do not quack. I hoo, hoo, hoo.
DL: Hoo, hoo, hoo…
D: No, no, no, ducklings are supposed to quack like ducks not hoo like owls.
D: Oh, this is terrible.
L: Let’s go find Cat. Maybe he’s seen your quack.
D: Cat, Cat, Cat! Are you awake?
C: Ha…, no.
D: Cat, wake up. It’s important.
C: Hello, Little Bear! What is that walking all over my back?
L: They are the ducklings that Duck´s babysitting.
C: So they are. But why do they sound like frogs and Owls?
D: Because I’m supposed to teach them how to quack and I can’t do it because somebody’s taken my quack. Did you have my quack, Cat?
lol童话C: No, I do not quack. I meow. What would a cat do with quack?
D: This is terrible. This is worse than terrible. This is so terrible and it couldn’t be any worse.
L: It just got worse.
D: The ducklings will never learn how to quack.
L: Don’t say that, Duck. They’ll learn how to quack.
D: How? I can’t teach them.
L: Well, I know what a quack sounds like.
D: You do?
L: Oh, sure. I’ve heard you quack hundreds of times. Do you want me to teach them how to quack?
D: Oh, yes! Yes! Thank you, Little Bear.
L: OK, ducklings. Listen carefully. This is how you quack, qua, qua..
D: No, no, no, Little Bear. That’s not what a quack sounds like. It sounds like this, quack, quack, quack….
D: You quacked!
L: Ha… So did you, Duck.
D: I did? I did. I found my quack. Quack……
D: Come on, Little Bear.
All: Quack, quack, quack, quack……